

Every Place is Good for Something

Did you know that astrology can help you identify your BEST PLACES on the earth for prosperity and even romance?

AstroCartoGraphy (ACG) is a specialized branch of astrology that shows where the planets were above the earth when you were born.

In the same way that your birth chart is unique, your Astrocartography map is completely unique to YOU.

I’m one of only 90 people in the world trained and certified by Jim Lewis, the creator of Astrocartography.

And, I’m passionate about Astrocartography because I see it in action every day.

Your Astrocartography Reading

Once you schedule your ACG READING, I’ll contact you personally by email.

Before your reading, I want to get details on what you are looking for in terms of climate, social opportunities, work options, and other specifics that are important to you.

I spend at least 60 minutes working on your maps before we even speak. Then, after our session, I spend at least another hour working on your maps to add locations that came up during your reading.

It’s my goal that together we find a place that meets what you’re looking for.

ACG reading includes:

  • A 60 minute recorded consultation
  • A 10 page personalized PDF that details your best locations 
  • This reading also qualifies you for a 30 minute follow up at a discounted price if scheduled within 7 days.

AstroCartoGraphy is a prime tool if you want to move; but, you don’t have to be planning a move in order to benefit. It also saves you time and money by helping to:

  • Evaluate potential romantic partners
  • Enhance your business relationships
  • Eliminate locations that do not serve your higher purpose
  • Explain why certain places always to deliver the same results regardless of your efforts
  • Enjoy the most amazing vacation of your life because you’ve chosen a place that resonates with YOU!

Schedule your AstroCartoGraphy reading HERE.

Wishing you many happy journeys,

P.S. –  I promise to not send you to Alaska if you hate cold weather! 

Testimonial from Fateh Bolivar, owner of CASCADAS FARALLAS  in Costa Rica

“What Maya told me changed my life!  She helped me to maximize my gains, as well as cut loose on things which were draining to me. I had planned to move to Australia and open a retreat where I could dedicate myself to teaching Yoga and natural healing, but first I needed to sell my house. Fascinated by astrology and the concept of AstroCartoGraphy, I made an appointment to have a reading.

Fateh continues: “The Waterfalls Villas property has doubled in value since we bought it 3 years ago. And our guests define this land as a sacred space. Looking back, I know that by using astrological knowledge, I am able to create a healing space and share one of the most beautiful places on earth. Our waterfalls face a wall of native orchids, where the fluorescent blue butterflies dance in the mist, the Jaguarondi sip a cool drink as they pass, glancing to the monkeys and Toucan in the forest.

Thank you Maya, for giving me insight through the sacred art of astrology that opens up the Bounties of the Universe!