Star Cast for March 11

GODDESS VESTA joins Neptune now

Welcome to your star cast for the week of March 11. This week begins with grounded Taurus moon setting the tone. Last week’s Pisces New moon yielded fertile ground for productivity this week.

And Monday fulfills the new moon promise as the moon conjunct Mars mid-day presents a great opportunity to get your week in motion.

It’s also important to know that the asteroid Vesta now sits between the Sun and Neptune. The glyph (or symbol) for Vesta is meant to portray a single flame burning brightly.

When Vesta is activated, it’s a great time for focus. Think of it as shining your Light.

So, Vesta conjunct the Sun and Neptune adds a beautiful glow to this deliciously fertile week. Actually, we need this richness now. Pluto and Saturn are traveling closely together in Capricorn, and Mars in Taurus adds a serious flavor to the mix.

With Vesta active, you can really dig in and approach your work with devotion. Sometimes, however, Vesta leaves you feeling like you’re working all alone. Loneliness is the shadow side of Vesta, so, reach out and touch someone!

Carpe Diem – pick up the phone, schedule lunch with a friend, and be sure to laugh and celebrate the day.

There are two major planetary aspects this week; Mars trine Saturn on Thursday and Mercury square Jupiter on Friday.

I always think of Mars and Saturn in military terms; Mars is a soldier, and Saturn speaks to his or her capacity for discipline and planning. Yes, Mercury is retrograde now, but don’t let this stop you in moving ahead. Attention to detail is a signature of Mars trine Saturn.

Saturn actually controls and directs the energy of Mars, helping you get traction on difficult projects – things that you couldn’t conceptualize or find the time to work on.

And then, on Friday, Mercury square Jupiter adds icing on the cake. This planetary combination helps you to see the whole picture. Mercury delivers the facts and figures as Jupiter expands your vision.

Mercury square Jupiter makes this a great week for seeing and correcting mistakes while setting up positive outcomes. All in support of the Libra full moon on March 20th which is the same day as the Vernal Equinox.

Have you noticed that the timing of celestial events in 2019 is very precise? This month’s full moon coincides with the equinox and even the full moon of April is on Good Friday.

This is one good reason to keep astrology and your own personal chart as a close ally. Now more than ever, you want to know where you’re going, and the best way to get there.

Wishing you many blessings on your journey!

Are you ready for 2019? Schedule your update reading HERE.


Astrology Predictions for March 19

My Key word for this week is: Gratitude

There are two major celestial events during this busy week. First one is that tomorrow, Tuesday, March 20th the earth comes into a time of balance for the Vernal, or Spring Equinox.

Just as the word equinox suggests, this is a time of equilibrium for Mother Earth – a changing of the guard from one season and into the next. Here in the Northern Hemisphere we move from the long cold days of winter into the rebirth of Spring time.

Also on Tuesday, Mercury and Venus join forces – and they are even now visible in the early evening sky – rising just after sunset. Mercury conjunct Venus invites you to warm your thoughts, and the best example I know of this is a practice of Gratitude.

The other event this week is that Mercury stations retrograde on Thursday, March 22nd.

Mercury is now Aries, a sign noted for speaking up. With Mercury retrograde, think of messages that you may have ignored, or words that you know need to be said – remember that the retrograde is a time to redo , revise, and revisit.

So from march 22nd until April 15th, we all have a chance to re-evaluate and refine our projects and personal communication.

This week is rounded out by two planetary squares, or challenges – Venus square Pluto on Friday, march 23rd invites you to get in touch with your passion and intensity, This can also move into jealousy if not monitored, so, keep it positive as you tune into things you really care about.

Please check out my web site and grab a copy of my free eBook; How to Manifest Your Best Life when you sign up for my weekly newsletter.

And, if you are looking to find your BEST PLACE on the earth for success, I have the perfect solution – check out AstroCartoGraphy.

Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the stars!


Astrology Predictions for March 12

My Key word for this week is: Stability

This is a busy week with several notable planetary events. But, first we face Monday, March 12th and a void of course moon.

When the moon is void of course, it’s leaving one sign, which today is Capricorn, and does not interact with any other planets until it enters a new sign, (Aquarius) at 6:44 pm ET.

You may find yourself feeling like a ship without a rudder today, so be forewarned and do not let the day slip away.

Monday is a rich day because Tuesday delivers stellar planetary action and it’s the most dynamic day of this week until Saturday.

The most exciting aspect on Tuesday is Sun trine Jupiter. Think of this as an open door, and the stars say that the actions taken Tuesday will be fruitful.

Also on Tuesday, Venus square Saturn invites to take off your rose colored glasses; use this aspect to help refine your actions so that your work is truly productive and long lasting, in short, your actions can bear fruit for a long, long time if handled correctly.

We are winding through the last quarter moon phase, into the balsamic phase, and into the Pisces New Moon on Saturday, March 17th. The balsamic phase is when the moon becomes a waning sliver in the sky, and it’s a time for rest and reflection.

This is especially enhanced because the Sun is still in Pisces, the sign of healing, and next week, after the New Moon on Saturday, March 17, we welcome the Vernal Equinox on March 20th – the first day of spring.

This is an especially potent New Moon because it is so closely aligned with the equinox. Think of yourself as a captain of a ship, and follow the healing energies this week while maintaining your equilibrium.

Remember that the time of New Moon is a fresh start, and Saturday or Sunday is an ideal time for reflection on what you want your efforts for the entire spring season ahead to produce.

Every sun sign has a planetary affiliation, or ruler, and the sign of Pisces has two – Neptune and Jupiter. Neptune is affiliated with the water, and getting yourself near the sea or even a lake or river helps you to get in touch with the energies of Pisces, but also be mindful that we are shifting into a time of taking action.

Jupiter, the ancient planetary ruler of Pisces is also representative of the Archangels, so, think positively, and ask for guidance.

All in all, remember to keep the keyword of Stability in mind.

Don’t sleep today, even though the moon is void of course, because Tuesday delivers long lasting rewards to your efforts.

Please check out my web site and grab a copy of my free eBook; How to Manifest Your Best Life when you sign up for my weekly newsletter.

And, if you are looking to find your BEST PLACE on the earth for success, I have the perfect solution – check out AstroCartoGraphy.

Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the stars!


Weekly Update – March 18

Easy Astrology Oracle Cards, Unlock Your Inner Guide. Click in image to order and receive publisher's discount. .

The cup of the North Node shows what you have to GIVE – pouring out your wisdom. Easy Astrology Oracle Cards, Unlock Your Inner Guide. 

Welcome to my weekly Star Cast update on what’s happening in the world of astrology – and how you can apply the wisdom of astrology to enrich your life here on earth.

One of the most important insights that astrology can help you find is your soul purpose. The North and South nodes provide detail by sign and house as to what you are here to learn (the North Node), and what you have already mastered (the South Node) on the soul level.

The transiting nodes have recently shifted from the Scorpio/Taurus axis and now Light our pathway through the cardinal signs of Libra and Aries -we’ve moved through the phase for predictability (Taurus) and  soul searching (Scorpio) and now move into negotiation (Libra) and courage (Aries).

Saturn in your chart provides detail on your soul work – where you need to dig in, and where you will be tested. Wherever Saturn is in your natal chart is where you’ll face setbacks; the secret is – these difficulties are going to make you stronger.

Transiting Saturn, now in Scorpio quite honestly can deliver severe testing. Universally, while Saturn is in Scorpio, we are all learning to transform our desires and to live in the moment, not hang on to old residues of the past.

Astrology  shows you the best direction to take, and then, it’s up to you to embark on the journey.

We start this week with  Mercury, the planet of logic entering Pisces. Take this as a signal that your intuition is stronger now – so, if and when you have a lingering ‘gut feeling’ – pay attention now – your mind is now in the realm of feeling and that is where you’ll get the most accurate information.

On the 18th, we enjoy Venus sextile Uranus – if you have to reach out to communicate favorably with someone new – this is the day to make it happen. And, if you have to take on a new task, or learn something new, this is your time to get it done. Venus trine Uranus also favors finances and it’s a good day for both buying and selling.

On Wednesday the 19th, the moon moves into Scorpio – and although Scorpio is an intense sign, it flows well now with the other planets.While in Scorpio on the 19th,  the moon trines Mercury, Neptune, and Jupiter! Think of the trine as an inEarth-lighting-equinox_ENinvitation; keep the wheels rolling and walk through the open doors that are presented with a trine.

In short – it’s going to be a great week.

On Thursday, the 20th, the Sun enters Aries. This is your astrological New Year’s Day – the Vernal, or Spring equinox. During the equinox, the earth experiences 3 days of equal day and night time hours – hence the name equi (equal)  – nox (night and day).

There are some technical variations as to the exactness of daylight hours, but the point here is to find your joy within the possibility for growth; with the sun entering Aries, we begin a new round on the cycle of seasons. Aries is a sign of courage, and the point of all beginning.

With blessings and love –

Contact me : maya (at)

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Check out your March 2014 all original horoscope HERE


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

What’s Going On * Equinox 2012 * A Time of Truth and Balance

The Equinox brings us to a point of balance and creation with the forces of Light. Image courtesy Daniel B. Holeman

Late in the evening on Monday, (10:15 PDT) the earth shifted into a delicate reorientation; the annual Vernal, or Spring Equinox.  Our days now  become longer and we emerge into the activities that will bring us to a time of harvest.

The lay of the land for Equinox 2012 unveils the Pisces moon conjunct Neptune; look at this connection as the world of secrets. This Moon/Neptune blend sits behind the Aries Sun – a repository of all that remains unsaid, and that which must be revealed. Many, but not all secrets will unfold with the New Moon of Thursday. However, the presence of Uranus and Mercury in this dynamic will deliver us into undeniable shifts. The old order is now in the midst of an ultimate high tide, and the new world is rapidly moving into manifestation.

The Spring Equinox is celebrated by many traditions around the world. This sacred time has been given many names and been associated with many different activities. Ostara is a modern neopagan festival loosely based on several holidays which were celebrated around the spring equinox. Egg hunts and the Easter bunny are ancient symbols of the fertility associated with Ostara. As told through the story of Mother Gaia and her son, Ouranos, (aka Uranus) the festival Ostara is characterized by the rejoining of the Mother Goddess and her lover-consort-son, who spent the winter months in death. Read more HERE.

The Vernal Equinox is also commemorated as the day when the Goddess Demeter is reunited with her daughter, Persephone; thus begins the joy of Demeter as we enter into a season of fertility. Other variations include the young god regaining strength in his youth after being born at Yule, and the goddess returning to her maiden aspect.

As the Sun, Moon, and Mercury all rise to join Uranus during the week, know that this is your calling card for change. Some of the changes will arrive on cue, and others will sneak into your consciousness – and then your life. The keyword for Uranus is – Catalyst. Think of a lightning storm over water – listen to the thunder, feel the rain, and open to the calling for change that is coming into your life.

As we shift into the age of equality and truth, I honor all traditions and cultures. As the tropical zodiac enters into the sign of Aries, this is the time of our astrological New Year. For all beliefs and lands, it is a time of new beginnings, and a time and day to celebrate the joy and warmth of the Sun.  Remember,  old contracts have been fulfilled, and we are truly on the cutting edge of a new era; an age of personal empowerment and freedom is coming your way.

If you want to know how the amazing planetary energies of the Aries New Moon will influence your life, schedule your personal reading HERE.

Wishing you smooth sailing in the year ahead. We are all in this one together, and it’s going to be really good!

Purchase my Easy Astrology Oracle cards directly from Hay House Publishing


©Maya White/ White Star LLC/ 2012

 LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy | Astrology Expert