by Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer
Astrological predictions and spiritual guidance by Maya White. Get your March 2023 Sun Sign horoscope here. How does the month ahead look for you?
Virgo Full Moon
The Full Moon of March 7th is a precursor to what is possible in the days ahead. Collectively, we are weary, but now, it’s time for the Cosmic doors open for your freedom song.
Saturn enters Pisces
There is mystery about just how Saturn functions in Pisces. Some people are frightened of the unknown, others fear the combination of rigid Saturn in mutable watery Pisces. It is true that Pisces goes deep, and that so much sensitivity could drown Saturn. It’s also true that Saturn doesn’t like to be outmaneuvered. So, what is possible here? Let your thoughts to go Divine Healing. It is when you surrender to the Universal Laws, such as the Law of Magnetism, that the world can become just and real. Hearts open and reconciliation reigns. True, deep, redemption is a signature of Saturn in Pisces. Stay tuned.
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Aries (March 20 – April 18)
Count your blessings, Aries. The month of March sweeps in with the light of a thousand stars, and if you hang on tight, you’re in for the ride of your life. It may feel a bit like trying to keep your balance on a unicycle; where the heck to you hang on?
With Venus in Aries until the 16th, plus Mercury zipping through Pisces in only 17 days, things are moving very, very fast. Mercury conjunct Jupiter on the 28th opens a door for positive change through creativity and engages your natural sense of wonder.
The Full Moon of March 7th stabilizes your 6th house of health and service. This can be very positive for you. March has you in the eye of a planetary whirlwind, but the Virgo Full Moon keeps you grounded. Sometimes, especially now, a bit of predictability and routine can be a good thing.
March is a particularly dynamic month, but surprisingly, your best strategy for handling it is to surrender, trust, and go with the flow. With Neptune in Pisces and unpredictable Uranus in Taurus your fixed Earth sign has been battling confusion mixed with uncertainty.
Take heart because Venus, your ruling planet, has come to deliver her gracious gifts. For the first half of March, she lifts your heart through her presence in Aries. And, after March 16th she engages you straight on when she enters Taurus. Allow Venus to anoint your life with her beauty.
The Full Moon of March 7th lights up your 5th house of joy, pleasure, and creativity. March is a month of dynamic change, but for you, the plan was initiated some time ago, and what is to be, will be. Don’t stress. Get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and enjoy your good life.
Your advantage this month is the great value from information that you gather. You are undoubtedly feeling pressure. Saturn and Pluto have changed signs, and now trigger a shift in priorities. You may not have it all figured out yet, though. Time is of the essence, so gather your facts.
There is an important decision to be made this month, and it cannot be postponed indefinitely. However, wait until after the Full Moon of March 21st. before giving your final word. Trust in a natural process of cyclic change to provide the necessary soul energy you need now.
The Full Moon of March 7th finalizes plans regarding your 4th house – the place of endings and new beginnings. Joy comes with owning the power to make critical decisions. Sometimes it’s hard for Gemini to commit; focus on the gains that are coming your way.
Are you ready, Cancer? The planetary energies this month make things appear to be dynamic and even fierce, but there is also an undercurrent of ease and flow. One thing is certain– because of the Aries New Moon on March 21st, everything you do will be out in the public for everyone to see.
Pallas Athena, the goddess of wisdom and accomplishment sits in your sign this month. Pallas is a signature of excellence and practicality; she may inspire you to take up herbalism, gardening, pottery, or weaving. And don’t be surprised if you find that you are feeling super creative; use the presence of this wonderful archetype in your sign to get started on that project that you have been thinking about for so long.
The Full Moon of March 7th supports your 3rd house of communication. It’s also a good time to call in a favor, or collect on money owed to you. Be on the lookout for an unexpected opportunity to travel; something to enjoy with a special partner.
With the Dark Moon Lilith in Leo now, you are being continually challenged to honor your own needs. How you live, the choices you make, how you spend your money, and even what you do with your vital life force energy are all out in the open now, and other people will just have to deal with it.
Jupiter conjunct Venus started this month in style, Leo. This positive planetary union can bring good things your way. Keep it fiery and free spirited as you make your travel plans. The challenge comes from Pluto who is inspiring you to get better, so your life can be even more.
The Full Moon of March 7th delivers rewards to your 2nd house of earned income. You’ll get exactly what’s due. Remember the lesson that astrology teaches you about money; it’s very much connected to your self-esteem. Money does not equal love, but it does reinforce self-worth.
Virgo (August 22 – September 21)
Hold on to your truth, Virgo. Success is remaining true to your well-planned position and passing any test of will with grace and a firm decision. Good news arrives on March 11th.
Find your still center so that you can unleash your creativity and enjoy the wonderful parts of your life. Give birth to something new in this lush season of fertility; a book, a painting, or a child.
The Full Moon of March 7th enlivens your 1st house of personal preferences and physical appearance. March is a month that presents the Cornucopia of Life to your table; make the most of it.
Libra (September 22 – October 22)
Intellect can be a great benefit now; there comes a time when making a smart move is more important than indulging in the tide of emotion. The big challenge this month is to get clear on what you need versus what you think you want. Jupiter in Aries suggests that personal and professional partnerships benefit you now. Indeed, help arrives when someone you least expect comes onboard to help you complete your long-held plan.
The Full Moon of March 7th delivers crystal like clarity to your 12th house of endings. The 12th house is a place of karma, even seclusion. It’s also a rich and fertile field where a crop has already been planted. Soon, those newly sown seeds will show truth so that you know what is to come.
One cycle has come to a point of completion and another starts almost immediately. Be prepared to make a quick decision. The Aries New Moon in the first degree of Aries will bring many blessings your way.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
It’s your month to be rewarded for what you know, and what you do best, Scorpio. Each and every planetary transit this month is inviting you to take quick action to reinvigorate what you feel is a lost opportunity from your past.
March brings us all to a Universal turning point. Between Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius, you’ve been dealing with a lot of subliminal stress lately. That, plus the added need to continually adjust, may have left you may be feeling unappreciated. Use the energy of Venus in Taurus after March 16th to inspire a path of extreme self-care.
The Full Moon of March 7th refreshes your 11th house of hopes and wishes. Gain leverage on your life by going new places, doing different things, and opening your eyes to a new vision. Accept all good invitations that come your way now, Scorpio. One of them will pay off with a bonus.
Sagittarius (November 22– December 20)
Keep your energy fresh and vibrant with lots of good movement, Sagittarius. Basics like nutrition and sleep are important now; treat your body like a performance vehicle. With Jupiter in a compatible fire sign of Aries, opportunities collect like jewels this month. Keep your options open.
This is a key time period for your career and income. Take action on your inspirations and move into harvest mode, even if it means working overtime to plant many, many seeds. Stay focused and go back to basics of movement and proper rest if and when you feel your energy lagging.
The Full Moon of March 7th illuminates your 10th house of career and your public image. Accept your well-deserved rewards. Money helps you get closer to your ultimate goal of divine freedom.
Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)
March gifts you in so many ways. Venus and Jupiter opened the doors to comfort in your home, or, even better, your core, innermost being. Plus, both Saturn and Pluto grant respite. Saturn moves into your solar 3rd house, a great benefit to you, and from now on, Pluto will be showing you his ‘softer’ side.
Ultimately, the change that holds the most benefit is reorientation in your mind; how you think and the way you look at things. If you’re feeling down, consciously take on a new point of view. How you think is critical now, Capricorn. It may seem difficult to change habitual thoughts, but consider it as a good option to engender exponential growth.
The Full Moon of March 7th enriches your 9th house of wisdom. There are many good things in life that money cannot buy. This is your time to appreciate what you do have, and then, share the joy.
Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)
The rewards of community are stronger than ever, Aquarius. Working in partnership allows you to move ahead at lightning speed. Paperwork may seem to be a stumbling block, but just keep moving ahead and plow through the obstacles.
Pluto dips his fingertips into your sign from March 23rd – June 10th. This time period will give you a preview of 2024 when Pluto enters your sign for to stay for several years. I can say with all certainty that the world is waiting for the positive transformation that Pluto in Aquarius will bring. You can also welcome this change, as it ultimately enriches your life, as well as making the world a better place.
The Full Moon of March7th comes with major relief as Saturn finally leaves your sign. Personal responsibilities that area associated with Saturn will ease up now. Wait until you feel that energetic ‘click’ and you know with absolute certainty that the partnership is right, and the time is ripe.
Pisces (February 18– March 19)
Perseverance is crucial this month, Pisces. There will be time when you feel no reason to keep chasing after the same old dreams because there is a new flavor that is more appealing. Indeed, the New Moon on March 21st at 0 degrees of Aries signals a fresh start to your work as well as your personal life.
Know that the energy surrounding this New Moon is transformational, inspirational as well as insightful. Although this is a month that asks for adjustment on your part, there is also a relief valve that comes with any challenges you face. Put your income on auto drive and free up some time for your personal life.
The Full Moon of March 7th delivers redemption and healing to your 7th house of relationships. There is a fine, soft energy to this month, Pisces. Money will take care of itself. Find time to explore and develop rich new possibilities for both work and play.
Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer | Discover the Power of Place so You Can Live the Life You Want| Certified in AstroCartoGraphy Relocation Astrology
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