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The cup of the North Node shows what you have to GIVE – pouring out your wisdom. Easy Astrology Oracle Cards, Unlock Your Inner Guide. 

Welcome to my weekly Star Cast update on what’s happening in the world of astrology – and how you can apply the wisdom of astrology to enrich your life here on earth.

One of the most important insights that astrology can help you find is your soul purpose. The North and South nodes provide detail by sign and house as to what you are here to learn (the North Node), and what you have already mastered (the South Node) on the soul level.

The transiting nodes have recently shifted from the Scorpio/Taurus axis and now Light our pathway through the cardinal signs of Libra and Aries -we’ve moved through the phase for predictability (Taurus) and  soul searching (Scorpio) and now move into negotiation (Libra) and courage (Aries).

Saturn in your chart provides detail on your soul work – where you need to dig in, and where you will be tested. Wherever Saturn is in your natal chart is where you’ll face setbacks; the secret is – these difficulties are going to make you stronger.

Transiting Saturn, now in Scorpio quite honestly can deliver severe testing. Universally, while Saturn is in Scorpio, we are all learning to transform our desires and to live in the moment, not hang on to old residues of the past.

Astrology  shows you the best direction to take, and then, it’s up to you to embark on the journey.

We start this week with  Mercury, the planet of logic entering Pisces. Take this as a signal that your intuition is stronger now – so, if and when you have a lingering ‘gut feeling’ – pay attention now – your mind is now in the realm of feeling and that is where you’ll get the most accurate information.

On the 18th, we enjoy Venus sextile Uranus – if you have to reach out to communicate favorably with someone new – this is the day to make it happen. And, if you have to take on a new task, or learn something new, this is your time to get it done. Venus trine Uranus also favors finances and it’s a good day for both buying and selling.

On Wednesday the 19th, the moon moves into Scorpio – and although Scorpio is an intense sign, it flows well now with the other planets.While in Scorpio on the 19th,  the moon trines Mercury, Neptune, and Jupiter! Think of the trine as an inEarth-lighting-equinox_ENinvitation; keep the wheels rolling and walk through the open doors that are presented with a trine.

In short – it’s going to be a great week.

On Thursday, the 20th, the Sun enters Aries. This is your astrological New Year’s Day – the Vernal, or Spring equinox. During the equinox, the earth experiences 3 days of equal day and night time hours – hence the name equi (equal)  – nox (night and day).

There are some technical variations as to the exactness of daylight hours, but the point here is to find your joy within the possibility for growth; with the sun entering Aries, we begin a new round on the cycle of seasons. Aries is a sign of courage, and the point of all beginning.

With blessings and love –

Contact me : maya (at) mayawhite.com

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