Asteroid Goddess Report
The Asteroid Goddess Report applies the mythology of the asteroids to explore special parts of your chart and yourself that you may not have been shown before.
Price: $24.95
‘Your Asteroid Goddesses’
Juno, Ceres, Pallas Athena, and Vesta — females one and all.
Pallas Athena reveals how you uncover the wisdom that turns defeat to victory.
Juno works to unveil the secrets of your sexuality.
Ceres reveals how to confront your inner challenges and win.
Vesta helps you discover where to hold and nurture, and where to let go.
This report also includes your sign and house placement of CHIRON – the shaman of astrology. When you know about Chiron in your chart, you have the key to your soul. Chiron awakens you, he empowers you, and he helps you heal.
What impact will your personal ASTEROID GODDESS REPORT have on YOU? Read Lindsay’s testimonial below!
Get your own report to break the bonds that have held you trapped in the past.
Here is what Lindsay has to say:
‘The Asteroid Goddess report was incredibly insightful and penetrating, so much so that it brought be to tears in the first couple of paragraphs. I definitely had a much needed moment of clarity after finishing the report and finally felt some wounds beginning to heal. It was a truly cathartic experience, and I’m so glad I will have this wisdom with me whenever I feel like I’m fighting a battle I can’t win. Thank you so much Maya.’