April 2023 Sun Sign Horoscope

April 2023 Sun Sign Horoscope

by Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer

image maya white astrologer

Astrological predictions and spiritual guidance by Maya White. Get your April 2023 Sun Sign horoscope here. How does the month ahead look for you? And, remember, you can get my all new e-book, Secrets From the Stars  HERE

Libra Full Moon – the Hand of Fate 
Fortune favors the Bold. The Full Moon of April 6th shines a Light on your relationship capacity. This lunation comes with some stresses.  This Libra moon sits in opposition to Jupiter and inconjunct Uranus, Venus, and Neptune creating a classic Yod aspect. The Yod, also known as ‘Finger of God’ , or, ‘Hand of Fate’ makes you feel off-balance. The secret here is to find the release point; Sun and Jupiter in Aries. The message, you must face your fears and move ahead.

 New Moon Solar Eclipse – 29 Aries
Again, the Cosmic message is one of taking action. A word to the wise; get your plans in place before Full Moon because Mercury stations retrograde on April 21st. This Mercury retrograde cycle toys with Uranus in the mid degrees of Taurus. Make your calculations and think like a sailor facing the winds – there will be storms, even thunder and lightening, but, with the wisdom of the stars at your helm, your ship will stand strong. See more HERE 

Live Where You’re Supposed to Live and DO what You are Meant to DO!
Speaking of change – are you living in your Right and Perfect Place? Did you know that AstroCartoGraphy is a specialized branch of astrology that shows your best places ton the earth to live and travel to.

Astrology and AstroCartoGraphy is an impactful way to put YOU in the drivers seat to your Destiny.

Schedule your 2023 Destiny Reading HERE

free monthly horoscope for aries
Aries (March 20 – April 18)

The Sun, Jupiter and Chiron in your sign make this a transformational time; fortunately, as a cardinal fire sign, you can take the heat. Others are looking to you now for leadership. Having the courage to take necessary action is one quality that comes naturally to you.

Although you’re born to take the lead, this month, it’s critical that you also listen to others. Communication is paramount to the continuation of your success. Take care that you truly hear what is being said. A surprise comes by mid-month; have your pen and paper handy, and be ready to sign that important document.

The Full Moon of April 6th resets your 7th house of personal and professional partnerships. This Libra moon shines its light on a familiar theme, so be proactive in looking at old patterns that must be change. It’s a ‘now or never’ time, and if the relationship cannot be repaired, it’s time to let go.

The New Moon solar eclipse on April 20th establishes this season of new beginnings. You have had TWO New Moons in your sign, first at 0⁰ on March 21 and now, this month, in the critical 29th degree of Aries. Surely the Universe has you in mind – take advantage of this dynamic energy.


free monthly horoscope for taurus
Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

With Uranus swirling around in your sign it’s a bit difficult to make plans, and even harder to think about your future. There is a subtle stress on your sign right now, Taurus. And, it’s feeding the thing you dislike the most – uncertainty.

One antidote for this uncertainty is taking control of your health and the day-to-day decisions you make such as eating and living well. Hold on to these primal decisions because this is a preparation time. Take heart in knowing that Venus, your ruling planet, is shining in your sign until the 10th, and next, as she enters Gemini on April 11th , she graces your finances.

The Full moon of April 6th drives inspiration to your 6th house of mastery. The 6th house is about what you do better than anybody else. Use this energy to reinvigorate your work and refine your health.

The New Moon solar eclipse on April 20th sits right in your frustration zone. The last degree of Aires, 29 ⁰, has you chomping at the bit, but the eclipse, plus Mercury retrograde April 21 – May 14th (in your sign) feels like bad timing. Big things are coming your way, but this cosmic glitch suggests that you still have a bit of clean up work before you move forward.



free monthly horoscope for gemini
Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

There are two major forces driving your world from the Cosmos – your career is changing, and so is what you want from it. It’s a matter of refining your goals and then finding time to make the necessary changes. Many options are available to you, but that’s not the problem; rather, you have too many choices.

The way to choose is to find the one that just feels good. It sounds simple, but we all know that perceptions around money and obligations can get in the way. April is an important month because Mercury, your ruling planet is very active. Time will fly if you don’t stop and think, Gemini. Give it a chance.

The Full Moon of April 6th brings a new vision to your 5th house of creativity and fun. Have you been working too hard, Gemini? Sometimes the Universe conspires to make things easier. Go with the flow if a change of plans keeps you from your work; that pebble of annoyance just may turn into a pearl.

The New Moon solar eclipse on April 20th sends a clear message about your long-term plans and goals. It’s time to start thinking about a new phase of life. You have 6 months of wrap up ahead, but then, by the end of this year, your priorities are in for a reorientation.


free monthly horoscope for cancer
Cancer (June 20 – July 20)

April is your time to give, Cancer. With so many planets in Aries, your career sector is on fire – in a good way. Let this energy shine and illuminate all that you’ve worked so hard for. Things happen fast, so take care to balance work and play.

Mercury places you in the news, and Venus keeps you there this month. Pace yourself though, because there will be plenty of distractions. Prepare for a dynamic fresh start; the good news is that you can bring the best of your past, too.

The Full Moon of April 6th delivers a change of plans regarding your 4th house of home and family. Let the love flow when friends show up at your door. It’ll be almost impossible to maintain your usual routines, so just buy lots of food and enjoy the special times together.

The New Moon solar eclipse on April 20th says that it’s time to think outside your usual box. Let your thoughts flow and make it a point to question the status quo. Something new is in the air; tune into your imagination.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Leo (July 21– August 21)

April is the perfect month for a mini vacation, Leo. I see you living the good life with a nice healthy green drink and fires at the beach. If ultimate relaxation is not possible, make the best of finding peace in each day. You need time to listen to your inner wisdom and to disconnect from chaos and stress.

When somebody comes to you with what at first seems an outlandish idea, hear them out. Your experience blended with this crazy idea can turn into something good, if you give it a chance. This is not the time to implement, but it is an excellent planning stage for a brilliant future project.

The Full Moon of April 6th opens your 3rd house of communication. You may experience this as an early Mercury retrograde which begins in earnest on April 21, and you may be feeling like things have gone haywire for no reason. Messages are lost and your words are misinterpreted. This is one time when it’s easier to do it yourself.

The New Moon solar eclipse on April 20th leaves you with more questions. However, in truth you know the answer. You may not be quite ‘there’ yet, but you do know where you want to go. It’s a matter of time and timing.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

Nervous tension is at an all-time high, Virgo. Mercury, your planetary ruler is super busy this month and often connecting with Uranus, the hot wire planet. Days to mark on your calendar are: the 3rd, 5th, and the 8th . and 21st . And then, note Mercury stations retrograde on the 21st. Mercury is activated now, and with your sensitive nature, you’re sure to feel it.

So, this can be a month of discomfort, or, you can shift gears, find your rhythm, and make it a super productive time to remember. The secret to success is: do not let anyone or anything steal your motivation. Your test of power comes from someone with time to kill who wants to steal your thunder. Your time is precious Virgo; don’t take the bait.

The Full Moon of April 6th has a nice surprise for your 2nd house of earned income. Your positive expectation mindset will pay off at this time, Virgo. Jupiter in Aries makes it all even better; expect good things this month and the Universe will deliver.

The New Moon solar eclipse on April 20th holds a nice surprise for you. Be open, stay focused, and – relax, Virgo. Take a deep breath and visualize abundance. Think back to last month. 


free monthly horoscope for libra
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

One thing is for certain – you don’t have to go it alone. With so many planets dancing in Aries, your 7th house of partnerships, your plate is full in that department. Now, it’s a question of who remains in your life. Some of these relationships have fulfilled their purpose, and will be released.

April wastes no time in getting things into motion. Pay attention on the11th when the Sun and Jupiter inspire you to dream about what is possible. Venus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius also on the 11th initiates a lovely air trine to your sign which translated into a great time for love and romance.

The Full Moon of April 6th illuminates your 1st house; your physical appearance and even how you appear to others. This lunation resets how things ‘look’ in your life, but know that time is on your side, and so is the Law of Universal Goodness.

The New Moon solar eclipse on April 20th combined with Mercury retrograde beginning the 21st sets up a poignant situation. An old partner appears asking for a fresh start. However, proceed with caution – this is not the free and easy promise of love that came earlier in the month. Evaluate the amount of baggage that you will be asked to carry, and proceed accordingly.


free monthly horoscope for scorpio
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

You are living on two levels now, Scorpio. On one side, the world beckons with optimism and opportunity; on the other hand, there is a river of raw emotion that is running through your soul. In times like this, it’s always critical that you allow time for the emotions to pass through you and that clean, fertile ground is where you rest.

Nature soothes you now, Scorpio so get out and listen to the birds. Your opportunity is to master the physical realm while also gaining strength in the energetic world. As a fixed sign, it can be tough for you to truly let go. It’s time to give a proper burial to the past and to get smart about creating a replacement.

The Full Moon of April 6th invokes a longing for freedom from your 12th house of karma and atonement. This moon reveals flaws in your Achilles heel of entanglement. The lesson again, is that it’s time to let go of darkness, and that a wonderful new relationship can be positive and filled with Light.

The New Moon solar eclipse on April 20th brings you peace and if single, it opens a special place in your heart for new love. Get clear on your priorities, Scorpio. Work has a place, but there is something else, something even more important, that is calling you now.


free monthly horoscope for sagittarius
Sagittarius (November 22– December 20)

Truly, you’ve arrived at an all or nothing time and place. The major planetary action has been, and still is, lighting up your 5th house of creativity. If you’re not feeling the joy, there is no way that you can expect things to really work. Knowing that your task is to hold on to what makes you happy may feel overwhelming at times, but really, it’s a simple truth that will always serve you well.

It’s time to give birth to the child of your heart and soul. Decisions made over the next few months will impact the rest of your life. Lead with your heart, and follow up with commitment.

The Full Moon of April 6th entices you with new possibilities for your 11th house of community. You may find that you just don’t resonate with some of your old friends, and that new, interesting people have entered your life. However, stay true to your long-term goals and don’t be sidelined by shiny objects or enticing personalities.

The New Moon solar eclipse on April 20th asks you to make one last effort in keeping it all together. Like a juggler, you’ve been keeping so many projects in the air at one time. Hang in there, Sag, you have been beyond patient and your perseverance will pay off.


free monthly horoscope for capricorn
Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)

Opportunity knocks this month, Capricorn. You must be ready to act at a moment’s notice, though. Rely on your instincts and step up, because overanalyzing the situation just causes you to lose momentum.

Many people are still reeling from the stress of the past months; don’t buy into any stories of hardship or negativity. You must diligently shield your mind and even your body from the residue of stress. Stay strong, quick, and alert.

The Full Moon of April 6th brings a blessing in disguise to your 10th house of career and public acclaim. Extra duties come with this Full Moon; step up to the plate and take this opportunity to align with extra earned income.

The New Moon solar eclipse on April 20th suggests that although your career is a demanding energy, it’s your home and inner life that must be nurtured and tended like a garden. Everything outside of the home will work out right – if you’re good inside.


free monthly horoscope for aquarius
Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)

April is a reality check month for you, Aquarius. Information you receive must be pass the test of truth because there are a couple of charlatans in the mix who are just pulling your chain. Stand your ground, or else you risk feeling like a yo-yo being run around in circles.

One thing you can rely on is the support of a dear friend or partner. When life is too hectic, find reprieve in treasured time well spent with someone you love. Grand news does arrive within the mix of information overload, but you must be in the right state of mind in order to appreciate it.

The Full Moon of April 6th comes in like a breath of fresh air to your 9th house of wisdom. The coming 6 months call for careful strategies. Double check and confirm any reservations or other plans. One area that could be troublesome is legal matters. Postpone court dates if possible. Travel instead, and have fun, but stay out of trouble!

The New Moon solar eclipse on April 20th combined with the beginning of Mercury retrograde on the 21st brings up more questions than answers. Bide your time, Aquarius. Connect with the truth, and everything else will follow.


free monthly horoscope for pisces
Pisces (February 18– March 19)

April is a dynamic month for you, Pisces. You just have to stand your ground, and claim all that you’ve worked so hard for. There is a reward coming your way, but it requires a stretch of your Piscean go with the flow nature. Your situation becomes crystal clear by the 22nd. These opportunities require swift and certain action to get the best of what is possible.

Friendships and acquaintances play an important role in your life this month, also. Reach out and connect with as many people as you can; each one has a message that heals your heart and feeds your soul.

The Full Moon of April 6th challenges your 8th house of power. It’s possible that somebody wants what you have, and the lesson is: do not just lie down and allow yourself to be run over. Even your peace-loving sign deserves to enjoy the fruits of your hard work and wisdom. Stand up for yourself.

The New Moon solar eclipse on April 20th solidifies your way forward. Stay true to your spiritual essence. There are so many competing forces now. You do you. Right intention feeds true abundance.



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logo_signaturesm1Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer | Discover the Power of Place so You Can Live the Life You Want| Certified in AstroCartoGraphy Relocation Astrology

© Maya White/2023/All Rights Reserved

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March 2023 Sun Sign Horoscope

March 2023 Sun Sign Horoscope

by Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer

image maya white astrologer

Astrological predictions and spiritual guidance by Maya White. Get your March 2023 Sun Sign horoscope here. How does the month ahead look for you? 

Virgo Full Moon 

The Full Moon of March 7th is a precursor to what is possible in the days ahead. Collectively, we are weary, but now, it’s time for the Cosmic doors open for your freedom song.

Saturn enters Pisces

There is mystery about just how Saturn functions in Pisces. Some people are frightened of the unknown, others fear the combination of rigid Saturn in mutable watery Pisces. It is true that Pisces goes deep, and that so much sensitivity could drown Saturn. It’s also true that Saturn doesn’t like to be outmaneuvered. So, what is possible here? Let your thoughts to go Divine Healing. It is when you surrender to the Universal Laws, such as the Law of Magnetism, that the world can become just and real. Hearts open and reconciliation reigns. True, deep, redemption is a signature of Saturn in Pisces. Stay tuned.

Live Where You’re Supposed to Live and DO what You are Meant to DO!
Speaking of change – are you living in your Right and Perfect Place? Did you know that AstroCartoGraphy is a specialized branch of astrology that shows your best places ton the earth to live and travel to. I am one of only 100 people in the world formally trained and Certified in AstroCartoGraphy Astrology Mapping. And, one of the best parts is – you DO NOT have to move to gain the benefits of AstroCartoGraphy. You can access the beneficial energies of your Best Places anywhere in the world no matter where you are.

Astrology and AstroCartoGraphy is an impactful way to put YOU in the drivers seat to your Destiny.

Schedule your 2023 Destiny Reading HERE

free monthly horoscope for aries
Aries (March 20 – April 18)

Count your blessings, Aries. The month of March sweeps in with the light of a thousand stars, and if you hang on tight, you’re in for the ride of your life. It may feel a bit like trying to keep your balance on a unicycle; where the heck to you hang on?

With Venus in Aries until the 16th, plus Mercury zipping through Pisces in only 17 days, things are moving very, very fast. Mercury conjunct Jupiter on the 28th opens a door for positive change through creativity and engages your natural sense of wonder.

The Full Moon of March 7th stabilizes your 6th house of health and service. This can be very positive for you. March has you in the eye of a planetary whirlwind, but the Virgo Full Moon keeps you grounded. Sometimes, especially now, a bit of predictability and routine can be a good thing.


free monthly horoscope for taurus
Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

March is a particularly dynamic month, but surprisingly, your best strategy for handling it is to surrender, trust, and go with the flow. With Neptune in Pisces and unpredictable Uranus in Taurus your fixed Earth sign has been battling confusion mixed with uncertainty.

Take heart because Venus, your ruling planet, has come to deliver her gracious gifts. For the first half of March, she lifts your heart through her presence in Aries. And, after March 16th she engages you straight on when she enters Taurus. Allow Venus to anoint your life with her beauty.

The Full Moon of March 7th lights up your 5th house of joy, pleasure, and creativity. March is a month of dynamic change, but for you, the plan was initiated some time ago, and what is to be, will be. Don’t stress. Get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and enjoy your good life.


free monthly horoscope for gemini
Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

Your advantage this month is the great value from information that you gather. You are undoubtedly feeling pressure. Saturn and Pluto have changed signs, and now trigger a shift in priorities. You may not have it all figured out yet, though. Time is of the essence, so gather your facts.

There is an important decision to be made this month, and it cannot be postponed indefinitely. However, wait until after the Full Moon of March 21st. before giving your final word. Trust in a natural process of cyclic change to provide the necessary soul energy you need now.

The Full Moon of March 7th finalizes plans regarding your 4th house – the place of endings and new beginnings. Joy comes with owning the power to make critical decisions. Sometimes it’s hard for Gemini to commit; focus on the gains that are coming your way.


free monthly horoscope for cancer
Cancer (June 20 – July 20)

Are you ready, Cancer? The planetary energies this month make things appear to be dynamic and even fierce, but there is also an undercurrent of ease and flow. One thing is certain– because of the Aries New Moon on March 21st, everything you do will be out in the public for everyone to see.

Pallas Athena, the goddess of wisdom and accomplishment sits in your sign this month. Pallas is a signature of excellence and practicality; she may inspire you to take up herbalism, gardening, pottery, or weaving. And don’t be surprised if you find that you are feeling super creative; use the presence of this wonderful archetype in your sign to get started on that project that you have been thinking about for so long.

The Full Moon of March 7th supports your 3rd house of communication. It’s also a good time to call in a favor, or collect on money owed to you. Be on the lookout for an unexpected opportunity to travel; something to enjoy with a special partner.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Leo (July 21– August 21)

With the Dark Moon Lilith in Leo now, you are being continually challenged to honor your own needs. How you live, the choices you make, how you spend your money, and even what you do with your vital life force energy are all out in the open now, and other people will just have to deal with it.

Jupiter conjunct Venus started this month in style, Leo. This positive planetary union can bring good things your way. Keep it fiery and free spirited as you make your travel plans. The challenge comes from Pluto who is inspiring you to get better, so your life can be even more.

The Full Moon of March 7th delivers rewards to your 2nd house of earned income. You’ll get exactly what’s due. Remember the lesson that astrology teaches you about money; it’s very much connected to your self-esteem. Money does not equal love, but it does reinforce self-worth.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

Hold on to your truth, Virgo. Success is remaining true to your well-planned position and passing any test of will with grace and a firm decision. Good news arrives on March 11th.

Find your still center so that you can unleash your creativity and enjoy the wonderful parts of your life. Give birth to something new in this lush season of fertility; a book, a painting, or a child.

The Full Moon of March 7th enlivens your 1st house of personal preferences and physical appearance. March is a month that presents the Cornucopia of Life to your table; make the most of it.


free monthly horoscope for libra
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Intellect can be a great benefit now; there comes a time when making a smart move is more important than indulging in the tide of emotion. The big challenge this month is to get clear on what you need versus what you think you want. Jupiter in Aries suggests that personal and professional partnerships benefit you now. Indeed, help arrives when someone you least expect comes onboard to help you complete your long-held plan.

The Full Moon of March 7th delivers crystal like clarity to your 12th house of endings. The 12th house is a place of karma, even seclusion. It’s also a rich and fertile field where a crop has already been planted. Soon, those newly sown seeds will show truth so that you know what is to come.

One cycle has come to a point of completion and another starts almost immediately. Be prepared to make a quick decision. The Aries New Moon in the first degree of Aries will bring many blessings your way.


free monthly horoscope for scorpio
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

It’s your month to be rewarded for what you know, and what you do best, Scorpio. Each and every planetary transit this month is inviting you to take quick action to reinvigorate what you feel is a lost opportunity from your past.

March brings us all to a Universal turning point. Between Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius, you’ve been dealing with a lot of subliminal stress lately. That, plus the added need to continually adjust, may have left you may be feeling unappreciated. Use the energy of Venus in Taurus after March 16th to inspire a path of extreme self-care.

The Full Moon of March 7th refreshes your 11th house of hopes and wishes. Gain leverage on your life by going new places, doing different things, and opening your eyes to a new vision. Accept all good invitations that come your way now, Scorpio. One of them will pay off with a bonus.


free monthly horoscope for sagittarius
Sagittarius (November 22– December 20)

Keep your energy fresh and vibrant with lots of good movement, Sagittarius. Basics like nutrition and sleep are important now; treat your body like a performance vehicle. With Jupiter in a compatible fire sign of Aries, opportunities collect like jewels this month. Keep your options open.

This is a key time period for your career and income. Take action on your inspirations and move into harvest mode, even if it means working overtime to plant many, many seeds. Stay focused and go back to basics of movement and proper rest if and when you feel your energy lagging.

The Full Moon of March 7th illuminates your 10th house of career and your public image. Accept your well-deserved rewards. Money helps you get closer to your ultimate goal of divine freedom.


free monthly horoscope for capricorn
Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)

March gifts you in so many ways. Venus and Jupiter opened the doors to comfort in your home, or, even better, your core, innermost being. Plus, both Saturn and Pluto grant respite. Saturn moves into your solar 3rd house, a great benefit to you, and from now on, Pluto will be showing you his ‘softer’ side.

Ultimately, the change that holds the most benefit is reorientation in your mind; how you think and the way you look at things. If you’re feeling down, consciously take on a new point of view. How you think is critical now, Capricorn. It may seem difficult to change habitual thoughts, but consider it as a good option to engender exponential growth.

The Full Moon of March 7th enriches your 9th house of wisdom. There are many good things in life that money cannot buy. This is your time to appreciate what you do have, and then, share the joy.


free monthly horoscope for aquarius
Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)

The rewards of community are stronger than ever, Aquarius. Working in partnership allows you to move ahead at lightning speed. Paperwork may seem to be a stumbling block, but just keep moving ahead and plow through the obstacles.

Pluto dips his fingertips into your sign from March 23rd – June 10th. This time period will give you a preview of 2024 when Pluto enters your sign for to stay for several years. I can say with all certainty that the world is waiting for the positive transformation that Pluto in Aquarius will bring. You can also welcome this change, as it ultimately enriches your life, as well as making the world a better place.

The Full Moon of March7th comes with major relief as Saturn finally leaves your sign. Personal responsibilities that area associated with Saturn will ease up now. Wait until you feel that energetic ‘click’ and you know with absolute certainty that the partnership is right, and the time is ripe.


free monthly horoscope for pisces
Pisces (February 18– March 19)

Perseverance is crucial this month, Pisces. There will be time when you feel no reason to keep chasing after the same old dreams because there is a new flavor that is more appealing. Indeed, the New Moon on March 21st at 0 degrees of Aries signals a fresh start to your work as well as your personal life.

Know that the energy surrounding this New Moon is transformational, inspirational as well as insightful. Although this is a month that asks for adjustment on your part, there is also a relief valve that comes with any challenges you face. Put your income on auto drive and free up some time for your personal life.

The Full Moon of March 7th delivers redemption and healing to your 7th house of relationships. There is a fine, soft energy to this month, Pisces. Money will take care of itself. Find time to explore and develop rich new possibilities for both work and play.


Schedule Your Reading Now

logo_signaturesm1Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer | Discover the Power of Place so You Can Live the Life You Want| Certified in AstroCartoGraphy Relocation Astrology

© Maya White/2023/All Rights Reserved

Schedule your personalized annual update HERE

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April 2023 Sun Sign Horoscope

February 2023 Sun Sign Horoscope

by Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer

image maya white astrologer

Astrological predictions and spiritual guidance by Maya White. Get your February 2023 Sun Sign horoscope here. How does the month ahead look for you? 

Leo Full Moon 
The Full Moon of February 5th sets the tone for Mercury conjunct Pluto on February 10th. Let this Full Moon be a delightful precursor to what is possible in the days ahead; not only this month, but set your sights on March when the Cosmic doors open for your freedom song.

 Venus conjunct Neptune 
These two are singing a love song on February 14 and 15, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Venus conjunct Neptune is a ‘soul mate’ aspect, provided there is a true soul connection. Venus is willing to open her heart in Pisces. And, Neptune is certainly holding the space for his love. The question is: is this love destined to last? There are lots of planetary shifts coming up in the months ahead. Venus enters Aries on February 20th and she may even change her mind that soon. An astrological word to the wise says ‘hold that emotion’, and let true love grow through experience and the work of Father Time.

Live Where You’re Supposed to Live and DO what You are Meant to DO!
Speaking of change – are you living in your Right and Perfect Place? Did you know that AstroCartoGraphy is a specialized branch of astrology that shows your best places ton the earth to live and travel to.

Astrology and AstroCartoGraphy is an impactful way to put YOU in the drivers seat to your Destiny.

Schedule your 2023 Destiny Reading HERE

free monthly horoscope for aries
Aries (March 20 – April 18)

The planets have kicked into gear, Aries; have you? There are so many opportunities available to you now that it may be hard to prioritize them. Your key to success, when it seems like everything is happening at once, is to consider how your partnerships are going to be impacted. Yes, yours is a sign that has great strength in the number 1, but there is an important lesson now in learning to work with others, and even sharing.

The Pisces New Moon of February 20th holds peace for to your 12th house of repose. Maximize this powerful cycle. It’s a rich time for reflection that leads to coming up with a positive plan of action.


free monthly horoscope for taurus
Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

Have you been contemplating a move, Taurus? If so, February is a great month to start looking. Take your time because there are still some things that will be settled next month, but honor the restlessness that’s driving you. Uranus is having his way with you – take it all in stride. With Saturn ending his reign in your 10th house, work may be feeling tedious; your best advantage is to quickly implement new routines that actually give you more free time. Learn to work smarter not harder, because Saturn’s going to be teaching you to do that anyway.

The Pisces New Moon of February 20th invites you to reach out to your tribe and ‘birds of a feather’, so that you can all work together. This is an opportune time to get really clear about what you need, and to take steps towards fulfilling what you want.


free monthly horoscope for gemini
Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

February is a fast-moving month, just like you, Gemini. Everything is in motion, but your timing is essential. Maintain focus, pay attention, and let the good times roll. You may have an opportunity (or obligation) to attend a class this month. Take the challenge because there are new career opportunities on the horizon, and this will be a step in the right direction, even if you think you’re too busy. Focus on communication skills, and reserve time for the important people in your life.

The Pisces New Moon of February 20th impacts your 10th house of career connections, leaving you with much to think about. Really, the 10th house is about more than just career – it’s about your Social Foundation; how people who may not know you well view you through your work. Good news arrives, yet there is also a reorganization required. Your long term goals may change, but the results work out very much for the best.


free monthly horoscope for cancer
Cancer (June 20 – July 20)

Make your financial move, Cancer. You may feel like you’re not ready, but the timing is actually good. Don’t announce your plans to the world; just look for the opening, and step up for your chance. There may be some competition for your prize, but make your mind up go for it. Then, hold on with your Cancerian tenacity and power. Contracts are important, and so is your master plan. But, don’t hold back because of uncertainty. Sometimes you just have to take a risk.

The Pisces New Moon of February 20th delivers a windfall to your 9th house of wisdom and travel. This lunation invites you to think about the Big Picture of your life. Be prepared, and look for the opportunity bubbles that flow your way. There will be more than one opportunity, but don’t let too many of them pass you by.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Leo (July 21– August 21)

The harder you work, the luckier you get, Leo. This may sound boring, but efficiency is a time-honored way to make things happen quickly. One of your great benefits now is in finding reliable helpers. It’s a great time to hire someone who can lighten your load. Something magical is happening in your world. Love becomes serious, but not dreary. It may be time to focus on long term plans with your partner who has been previously just a playmate.

The Pisces New Moon of February 20th helps you manifest exactly what you want as it Lights up your 8th house of insight and power. This is all about what motivates YOU, and the Universe now invites you to go even deeper into your true desires.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

February is a perfect time to refine a project. Take care of practical matters. Mercury, your ruling is preoccupied in Aquarius, making it hard to focus. Continue to polish, refine, and perfect your work. Take extra care of your health, now, also Virgo. Your constitution is a bit more sensitive than usual; you know the right things to do for optimum health. It’s time to be practical and systematic. Homeopathy or other subtle remedies are a gold mine for you now.

The Pisces New Moon of February 20th comes with peace and protection to your 7th house of partnerships. February is a time for inner work but reaching out and communicating with others holds true riches. Take time to appreciate the good parts of your life and prepare for the Universal restart that comes in March.


free monthly horoscope for libra
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Take stock of the amazing part of your life, Libra. You’re a wise teacher, a mentor, and you have so many people who care for you. There has been a subtle force at work that’s slowly rewriting your script; supporting your steps and shoring up your situation. February is your month to nurture yourself; work on your vital energy, your health, and your state of mind. Connect with your soul, Libra; get deeply familiar with that voice of reason and ultimate love that is guiding your days.

The Pisces New Moon of February 20th activates your 6th house Mastery; your practical plans and goals. Go for the overview now, Libra. It’s important that you live in the present moment, but also that you have a plan.


free monthly horoscope for scorpio
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Tune into your creativity, Scorpio; it’ll pay your bills plus bring you joy. Saturn is putting the squeeze on your inner world, but the way out of this anxiety is to give life to that project that you’ve been thinking about for so long. February is your month for brainstorming and planning. Enjoy the process. Much of this work is heady, mind-bending stuff, so be sure to stay in your body, also. Consistent exercise is vital now; it feeds your brain as well as energizes your body.

The Pisces New Moon of February 20th beams a favorable spotlight on your 5th house of joy, childlike play, and romance. Get out and be visible, Scorpio – it’s your time to shine.


free monthly horoscope for sagittarius
Sagittarius (November 22– December 20)

What do you want, Sag? I mean, really desire with your heart and soul. Yours is a sign that loves freedom, yet sovereignty has been elusive for some time now. Get in touch with your true nature, your spirit of adventure and exploration. There is a way for you to have it all now, Sagittarius. You may have to improvise, and think in a new way, but you’ll find it’s worth the effort. There is a new happiness and that lifts your spirit; let it also fill your soul.

The Pisces New Moon of February 20th gives you a feeling of satisfaction in your inner being sector. The 4th house rules your physical home, but also how your soul resides in your body. You have graduated to a new way of being. Maybe a trip is in order, you know – just a little celebratory get away.


free monthly horoscope for capricorn
Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)

February is an interesting month around finances, Capricorn. There is much action taking places behind the scenes; things you’re aware of, but cannot really do much about. Trust that this situation is working out in your favor – big time. Pluto is finally at the end of Capricorn, and ready to dip his toes into Aquarius on March 23rd. Someone who you counted on to be there for you – has done what was needed to support a favorable outcome. Yes, it’s been a long haul, and the full impact will still take time to manifest, but the battle has been won.

The Pisces New Moon of February 20th pushes a reset button in your 3rd house of information and communication. Put in the effort, Capricorn – you’ll be glad you did when your ship comes in. Dance with the flow Capricorn; patience is a part of this success formula.


free monthly horoscope for aquarius
Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)

Continue to pursue your long held dream, Aquarius. The planets are speaking to each other now, and the time is ripe. However, don’t take any unwarranted financial risks; if the money part doesn’t feel right, wait just a bit longer. Like a grand puzzle, you’ve been putting this together piece by piece. Work through the frustration of what is not yet possible, and celebrate how far you’ve come. The end of this year will look completely different than the beginning, so plan accordingly.

The Pisces New Moon of February 20th opens up opportunities in your 2nd house of earned income and self-worth. This may be a new job, or a signal that it’s time to unveil your entrepreneurial dream. Think large and wide, and paint your desires in broad strokes. Ask for what you really want!


free monthly horoscope for pisces
Pisces (February 18– March 19)

You’ll be asked to make some decisions this month, Pisces; it may seem difficult, but really, you know the answer. Something or someone has to go, and something else is immediately in position to enter. You may have some feelings of loss, but if you’re honest with yourself, there is really no question that the time is right. One of your greatest allies is your intuition – it’s your blessed gift, so trust it and move ahead. This a special time to ask for guidance; your prayers are answered.

The Pisces New Moon of February 20th lifts up your spirits and delights the heart and soul of your 1st house. Take a moment and celebrate your successes; you’re really good, Pisces, and everyone around knows it. Treat yourself.



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