One of the advantages of astrology is that you can cast a chart for the exact moment – the birth – of an event as well as a person. The departure chart of Malaysian Air Flt 370 is revealing and gives us a stellar example of astrology 101. Some answers are clear, and It’s really not even necessary to over analyze this chart by tearing apart aspects or decanates & duads.
With Neptune exact, by degree, on the IC of this chart, I have to think that, in keeping with the spirit of Neptune in Pisces –this aircraft has joined the realm of Neptune; lost – in the ocean. Also, with Jupiter, the ruler of the Sagittarius ascendant in house 8, this chart faces the irrevocable ending of death.
There are 4 points of activation in any astrological chart – the Ascendant, Descendant, Medium Coeli (MC – also called Midheaven) and Imum Coelli (IC – also called Nadir).
The IC is also the ‘heart’ of a chart, and with Neptune holding court in this chart – we have a great big mystery.
The IC, or beginning cusp of the 4th house is a gateway to death and rebirth. It is through the IC, or 4th house cusp, that we are born on earth, our spirit housed inside of a body. And, it is again through the IC that the souls depart this earthly realm. With Neptune exactly on the IC, a point of activation, this flight, needless to say, didn’t have a good start.
And, the result is confusion (Neptune) at the heart (IC) of the matter. Also, the public has experienced deceptions and delay (Neptune) from the Malaysian (home) government (Sun in 4th house).
Saturn in the 12th house blocks resolution, buries the truth, and also will most likely deny a proper burial for the victims.
The Gemini moon, at another point of activation, has attracted (Descendant) a flurry of attention (moon) from the media (Gemini).
Questions Answered by Astrology
The ACG Destination Map shows that Flt #70 departed under the locational auspices of Moon square Neptune, and even at the latitude of Mercury square Saturn.
Is the Pilot a hero or a villain? Mars conjunct North Node in house 11 –
‘He’s a hero’.
Will survivors or even remains be found? Saturn in Scorpio in 12th house –‘No’
What happened? : Neptune IC, Uranus square Pluto and Jupiter. Pilots disabled by noxious gasses, perhaps originated from electrical fire
What’s Going On?
False leads, Confusion: Moon square Neptune
Media darling, Incessant Speculation: Moon in Gemini on the Descendant
Chaotic release of information: Mercury in Aquarius in 3rd house
Deception, Families lied to, invading the pilot’s home: Neptune on the IC
Agony of mourners: Saturn in Scorpio in 12th house
Information is the ‘currency’ of this situation: Pluto in Capricorn in 2nd house
Power play of nations over flow of information and recovery: Jupiter in Cancer in 8th, opposing Pluto
Malaysian Flight 370 is/was initiated at an unfortunate time; if you’re considering launching a business, consider consulting an astrologer and avoid disaster! You can choose a good time to begin your project; learn from this astrological example.
With blessings and love to the families of everyone involved in this affair –
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