This large and rare pink diamond found in Australia was revealed to us on Valentine’s Day and its image released yesterday. Amidst the war like doings of the human race on this planet, Mother Earth has sent us the best of her best – a symbol of commitment and continuity of love. And, best of all, it comes from Australia – the land of Dreamtime and home of the vibrational powerhouse, Ayers Rock.

War is a strictly human endeavor. Although she has moments of instability, Gaia will never let us down; she is abundant, fruitful, and loving to all of her children. And with this diamond, she speaks to us in her distinct language of imagery.

This year we will also experience the energy of a rare Venus transit across the face of the Sun on June 5th.This time around, Venus is telling us it’s OK to love; indeed, we MUST love.We must open our hearts to lovers as well as our brothers and sisters in the family of mankind. The Venus transit (see illustration here) is another message from the cosmos that our time has come to consciously practice the highest gifts of our humanity.

Don’t forget that March also delivers a powerful message of hope. Today, (February 23rd) as Mars opposes Mercury we see people fighting (Mars) for their ideology (Mercury). Uranus in Aries has empowered the masses to embark upon a social revolution from which there is no turning back. I send my love and respect to the brave martyrs who now stand in solidarity and demand their freedom from oppression.

I also want to send a message of inspiration. As Jupiter, Pluto, Mars, and Venus meet to form a grand trine in the earth signs March 12 – 14,  the planetary energies deliver a promise of Universal integration and reconciliation. We await the magical Vernal equinox – the first day of Spring. Truly, truly, there is hope and a rebirth awaiting.