Hello Conscious Friend,
Some places activate your personal power, others help you find love, and there are special locations that help you attract money.
Did you know that there is a branch of astrology that actually shows WHERE you can activate the best potentials of your birth chart? Living in your best place helps you . . .

London may be calling you, or is it NYC? What do your stars say about Barcelona?

Hi, I’m Maya White, one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology that shows where the planets were above the earth when you were born.
I first became interested in Astro*Carto*Graphy because I needed to understand why my life took me miles away from my home and family in Colorado – to Maine.
I bought one of the first Astro*Carto*Graphy maps sold, back in 1976, hoping that it would give me an explanation.
And it DID!
Amazingly, for me, Maine and the entire Northeast holds a powerful energy vortex of the planets Pluto and Jupiter – considered the ‘Miracle Maker’ combination. And, truly, wonderful things have come to me from this zone.

These Miracles all manifested in my Jupiter/Pluto zone.
In 1992 I passed a rigorous exam administered by Jim Lewis, the creator of A*C*G. Today, I’m one of the most experienced practitioners in the world. I lead travel retreats; my clients live all around the globe; and my work has also been featured in a book published in Great Britain titled: ‘From Here to There, an Astrologer’s Guide to Astromapping.’
This is for you if...
Did you know that...
How Astro*Carto*Graphy helps you with Love & Money

Can A*C*G help me find love?
If you’re looking for romance, you want to identify and place yourself in your Venus zone. Venus enhances your overall power of attraction and is desirable for other things such as friendships, art, sensuality, and beauty.

Are there ‘Fortunate’ places?
Jupiter is the planet of Good Luck, Growth, and Expansion. Any line of Jupiter is beneficial, and under his planetary lines, success, honor, and good luck can be expected. Jupiter expands your faith in humanity; as you become more optimistic, your good fortune increases.

Do I have a unique ‘Power Zone?
Your ‘Power Zone’ is based on the strength and focus of your natal chart. Some people find power through the discipline of Saturn, and others even achieve success in a zone that others find difficult, such as Pluto.

There is one line in your A*C*G map that is a Universal bright and shining star – YOUR SUN ZONE
This is where you shine your Light; where others see you, and even want to be noticed BY YOU. Those seeking fame will often find it here.
How Does Astro*Carto*Graphy Work?
What if I can't move now?
You don’t have to move to benefit from Astro*Carto*Graphy!
It helps you identify frustrating patterns with people from other places. . .
It can even tell you if someone from a certain place is honest or deceiving you
You’ll know if there is a reason to stay where you are - or – if it’s time for a change
Can moving change my destiny?
Each planetary location has a spirit that manifests in your personality and through the circumstances that await you there.
When it comes to your destiny, Astro*Carto*Graphy teaches that your life is governed by the promise of your natal birth chart.
So, I’m not going to promise that you’ll become something or somebody you aren’t ...
And, Astro*Carto*Graphy cannot promise that you’ll win a million dollars . . .
The information I received from Maya helped me to maximize my gains, as well as cut loose of things which were draining to me. I had planned to move to Australia and open a retreat, but Maya explained that Australia was a difficult zone of Saturn. That information perfectly explained my 7 year struggle and costly efforts to just get a visa. I changed my focus, and found an amazing waterfall property in Costa Rica. What Maya told me changed my life!

Fateh Baser
CEO Waterfall Villas, Dominical, Costa Rica
Your A*C*G Profile Is Highly Personalized And Specific For Only For YOU!
Here’s What You'll Receive:
You give me your date, time, and place of birth, and two locations of your choice. Then, I’ll create your personalized ‘Best Place for Love & Money’ report.
Because your report is specific and unique for you, please allow 10 days for delivery.
You’ll discover your Astro*Carto*Graphy message of the 2 locations you have specified. I’m including every tool that my software has to offer. You get the reports, maps and graphs, relocated charts, and best of all, valuable information that can potentially save you $ 1,000’s of dollars in unnecessary moving expenses or missed opportunities.

‘Astro*Carto*Graphy Explained’ reports for 2 Locations of your choice
Originally written by Jim Lewis, Astro*Carto*Graphy Explained remains the top A*C*G report of all time.

My Matrix software ‘Relocation Report’
This gives an in-depth look at details not addressed in other reports, such as planets changing houses and your relocated charts.

Copies of your A*C*G maps showing the planetary lines for your requested locations.
You’ll get a picture of what your map lines look like over your requested locations.

Your Power Zone Placement Graph
Giving you a quick look at the planetary strengths for each location – this is one of my favorites because it’s straightforward and easy to understand

And, you’ll receive a beautiful, decorative copy of your natal birth chart, suitable for framing.
PLUS, you are also entitled to the following bonus!
My Webinar Presentation: Exclusive A*C*G Insider Secrets! (Value: $199)
As one of only 90 people in the world trained and certified by Jim Lewis, the creator of A*C*G, I had the great fortune to sit at the feet of the master and learn first-hand.
Recently, I came across my own private, handwritten notes taken during my certification training. And, using these notes, I have created a special webinar presentation that explains how Jim Lewis, now deceased, intended for this information to be used.
My ‘Exclusive A*C*G Insider Secrets’ webinar explains HOW Astro*Carto*Graphy works, and why it benefits any person in any place.
This information puts it all together, and cannot not be found ANYWHERE ELSE !!!
This bonus webinar alone is worth the price of the entire product.
You are Brilliant - the kind of person who wants to maximize your full potential.
This information will inspire, motivate, and inform you. Prepare for some great AH-HA moments because Astro*Carto*Graphy explains the inner workings of the places you choose to learn about.
And, whether or not you choose to move, there is a special ‘Higher Mind’ connection to the information you request. These reports are a reflection of issues that are simmering in your unconscious - it’s like your subconscious is speaking directly to your conscious mind.
I honor and respect the type of person that you are, and it’s a joy and pleasure to share my passion and most meaningful work all wrapped up in this awesome package.
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This is why you want to invest in your Best Place for Love & Money TODAY:
Astro*Carto*Graphy can help to set you free, and I look forward to creating your ‘Best Place for Love & Money’ report!
Claim the keys to unlock the secrets of ‘Your Best Place for Love & Money’ now.
With love and wishes for your exquisite freedom,

Maya White
The sooner you get the information in Your Best Place for Love & Money the FASTER you’ll get the answers you seek. You can identify your best spiritual retreat locations, plan your vacations, and make decisions around your own life with confidence.
Imagine living your life in the flow – in your perfect place - manifesting your full potential
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Regular Price: $249.00
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