Ever find yourself wondering, "Am I truly living my best life?"
If you’ll invest the next few minutes in reading this short letter, I’ll reveal a little-known secret that can unlock true abundance, fulfillment, clarity, and joy… no matter how long your dream life has eluded you!

Hello Friend,
Maya White here. I’ve got a quick question for you:
When was the last time you felt truly, completely content?
Not that your life is terrible by any means - you’ve got a lot to be thankful for, and you’ve definitely achieved some pretty incredible things so far.
But if you’re being honest with yourself… it just isn’t what you dreamed of, is it?
Maybe there’s one area of your life in particular - love, career, money, family - that’s a constant source of stress and conflict.
Or maybe you just generally feel stifled and stuck… and you don’t know what to do to actually start living again.
Either way, you just can’t shake the feeling that there’s something more out there for you… something wonderful that hangs just beyond your reach.
It’s not like you haven’t taken responsibility for your own happiness…
Because you’re reading this right now, I’d say you’re NOT the type of person to blame others or make excuses. In fact, you’ve probably tried all kinds of things to get unstuck, like:
But no matter what, you keep getting the same old results, don’t you? Your relationships don’t improve. Your career stays stalled. Your income won’t budge. And you just can’t figure out what you’re doing wrong!
The problem isn’t you.
The problem is in your location.
You see, the time and place where you were born creates an astrological imprint that reveals YOUR most empowered earth locations.
These are your PowerCenters - your personal A-list locations that give you the freedom and power to:
Find or deepen a supportive, loving and romantic relationship
Tap into career and business opportunities
Reduce worry so you can focus on personal growt
Unfortunately, very few of us are lucky enough to be born in the perfect location to support our needs and goals.
And often there are legitimate reasons why you can't move, even if you want to. Timing, work, family, relationships and even health all play a role in where you live.
I can show you how to have it ALL - to know where you're meant to live, and access the benefits of your best places even if you can't go there, through the power of REMOTE ACTIVATION.
But what if you DID know your PowerCenters?
Imagine with me for a minute that you woke up basking in the energy of the perfect, most supportive place on Earth for you.
Everything just feels lighter. More free. And absolutely limitless.
You notice that the tension in your neck and shoulders is gone.
And you breathe more easily than you have in years.
Every sense is tingling with this new sensation of being exactly where you need to be… so you can live the exact life you were meant to have.
This is your new life… one where:
Now, I’d like you to stop imagining… because the one resource you need to unlock the profoundly transformational energy of your personal PowerCenters is right at your fingertips!
Find Your PowerCenter
Discover the Power of Place so You Can Live the Life You Want
I’m going to show you how to find the perfect place that puts powerful universal energies in your corner, to help you experience your heart’s desire in every area of your life!
It’s called Find Your PowerCenter, and it uses a science-based tool that aligns who you are with your perfect location… so that you can finally live in perfect alignment with your Life Purpose and your dreams!
Wouldn’t THAT be a relief - to live the full, abundant life you know you’re destined for.
Imagine… in less than 6 weeks, Find Your PowerCenter empowers you to:
PLUS! You'll understand how to apply the power of REMOTE ACTIVATION to activate the beneficial energy of your best Earth Locations - without having to move or dismantle your life.
As a Find Your PowerCenter program member, you will discover earth locations that align with you perfectly to support you in wealth, love, and personal growth.
So who am I, and why am I helping you find your Power Centers?
Hi, I’m Maya White, and I’m one of only 100 people in the world certified in AstroCartoGraphy, a highly specialized branch of astrology that shows your best places on Earth for success.
I’ve used it in my own life and can honestly say that I love where I live. I feel like I won the lotto in the friendship department and am surrounded by dear friends who truly care for me, so much, that they sometimes even compete with each other for my time.
Almost every day I go to the beach and often greet the sunrise surrounded by sand, blue sky, and warm water.
Even the ordinary moments of my life feel magical. My work has prospered and I can truly say that I’m happy and satisfied living in South Florida.

And hundreds of my clients have experienced similar results. But it hasn’t always been that way.
Years ago, Astrology Mapping helped me understand why life took me miles away from my home and family in Colorado.
I bought one of the first AstroCartoGraphy maps ever made, hoping that it would give me an explanation.
And it DID!
I learned that where I grew up in Colorado, was a stimulating but unstable Uranus zone – and that Uranus influence literally ‘kicked me out’ at the age of 18.
The good thing is that while living in Colorado I was immersed in expansive, Uranian experiences that shaped who I am today. As a teenager I meditated with Tibetan Buddhist monks, and I received treatments from one of the finest energy healers in the world.
But as a young adult, I found myself living in Maine, far from home. Amazingly, in my map, the Northeast US is a compelling AstroCartoGraphy zone.
A strong planetary crossing kept me there, and truly wonderful things came to me:
These Miracles all manifested in my ‘Miracle Maker’ Jupiter/Pluto zone
Today I’m one of only 100 people certified in AstroCartoGraphy and one of the most experienced practitioners in the world.
And, I’ve lived my own life as a proving ground for AstroCartoGraphy so that I can help YOU identify and access your own PERSONAL POWER ZONES - your PowerCenters.
Astrology has been my roadmap to a magical life with clients who live in places like Singapore, Australia, and Europe, as well as the US. Plus, I have the joy of leading spiritual retreats in exotic locations like Morocco, Bali and India.
PowerCenters work for people from all walks of life, and it’s not about money or influence; it’s about living a life rich in personal satisfaction.
PowerCenter Astrology has played a pivotal role in my life, and it can do so for YOU.
Did you know that...

Your Life Experience will Reflect your Planetary Lines
I have helped thousands of people all over the world find their best places to live, to find love, and to create success.
Every place is good for something – even if you have NO LINES THERE!
There are several misconceptions about AstroCartoGraphy, one of them being that you have to live right on your planetary lines. This is not always true. Watch my Masterclass video to see how PowerCenter Astrology really works.
Now, for the first time ever, I am ready to reveal my secrets...
Find Your PowerCenter
Discover the Power of Place so You Can Live the Life You Want
Here’s exactly what you’ll experience in these five transformational lessons:
And here’s the Find Your Power Center program breakdown:
Key 1. The Keys to the Kingdom - Your Interactive PowerCenter Map

I am so excited to deliver your very own PowerCenter map! You’re getting the keys to a revolutionary NEW mapping program that charts your personal planetary power zones on Google maps.
This map puts you in the driver’s seat and I’ll show you exactly how PowerCenter Astrology works. It’s not just about travel or where you live, it’s about acceleration on the life you want.
We'll cover:
Key 2. Home Among the Stars - What is PowerCenter Astrology and How Does it Work?

Now that you’ve gotten your very own map, I’m going to explain some of the technical stuff so you can achieve real lift-off.
One of the things that makes PowerCenter Astrology (PCA) different from other intuitive arts is that it is based on math and science.
I’ll tell you how PCA came to be and clarify some astrological lingo. I promise to keep it simple.
You'll get:
Key 3. Every Place is Good for Something – Finding Your PowerCenters

Now it’s time to take a look at how to start using PCA to improve your life - wherever you are, and even if you feel stuck.
I'll show you things you can do to gain traction and make your life better!
You'll get:
Key 4. Remote Activation - Messages from Other Places

Now it’s time for a deep dive into one of the most powerful and fascinating aspects of PowerCenter Astrology – Remote Activation.
This technique is derived from one first taught by Jim Lewis, the creator of AstroCartoGraphy. I'll show you how you can access the benefits of a place without having to even go there!
We're going to talk about:
Key 5. Living in the Present - Soul Alignment and Empowering Your Authentic Self

In our final module, we’re going to take a deep dive into how you can achieve your dream life even faster… and amplify the impact of your PowerCenters a hundredfold!
We're going to talk about:
As a program member you're invited to join our PowerCenter Astrology private Facebook Community! Plus - get these valuable bonuses...to…

Find Your PowerCenter Basecamp ($1,997 Value)
5 Keys to Unlock the Secrets of PowerCenter Astrology and Your Personal PowerCenter Interactive Map. I am excited to introduce a brand-new interactive mapping technology that unlocks ancient wisdom. Your PowerCenter map has interpretative text to help you read the planetary lines

Planetary KeyWords Learning System ($497 Value)
If you think that astrology is confusing, or that you don’t know enough, I have good news!
Your PowerCenter Path includes access to an online presentation of my Easy Astrology Oracle Cards which is a visual learning system for astrology.

7 Magical, Mystical Places; Enchanted Times at Sacred Sites - eBook ($47 Value)
Sacred Places are power zones where Heaven and Earth meet, and each has a unique electromagnetic signature that frees you from everyday consciousness. In this book, I share my own transcendental experiences at these amazing Sacred Sites.

ACG Insider Secrets ($497 Value)
I paid $2,000 to get this information and put it into a video training. This is a summary of notes from my AstroCartoGraphy Certification Training. It’s valued at $497 here, but really, this material, directly from Jim Lewis (now deceased), the creator of AstroCartoGraphy, is irreplaceable and it’s priceless.

Find Your PowerCenter Facebook Group ($1000 Value)
This is your opportunity to get custom coaching in a small group environment. As a PowerCenter Path member, you will be enrolled in our members-only Facebook group.
Every Thursday at 2 PM Eastern, Maya, or someone from my team will be on LIVE to answer your questions.
That’s a total value of $4,038... And it’s right NOW it’s yours for considerably less – but only for a few days
Find your Power Center Today!
Enroll now and your investment is only $1,497. Or choose our flexible installment option.
Save $211
One simple investment to get lifetime access.
(for 4 months)
Make your first installment today and then be billed in 30-day increments.
You Can Trust Us
How Does the ‘Find Your PowerCenter’ Program Work?
All lessons, ‘The 5 Keys’, are available to you through a private, members-only area.
First - Program Access. You’ll have access to the 5 Learning Keys right away. This link is delivered in your Program Welcome letter. Please be sure that you can log into your member account and contact my team if you are not able to access your learning platform.
Next - Your PowerCenter Map. Please allow 24 - 48 hours for my team to verify your map. Getting your map delivered is our top priority. Because of the unique technology, each map will be personally calculated and checked for accuracy.
Join our PowerCenter Facebook Community. I want you to utilize everything that PCA has to offer, and will be there to support you on the journey. This group is a treasure trove of resources and a friendly place where you can ask me questions. Maya or a team member will be on live every Thursday to discuss each module and answer your questions.
PowerCenter Astrology Mapping Helps You Find Your Sweet Spot for a Comfortable, Pleasurable and Exciting Life
Maya White rocks! She is my go-to person for Astro*Carto*Graphy mapping. I believe in her so much that my husband and myself slept on an air mattress so we could inaugurate our new home on the date she recommended.
She predicted that the home that we just sold would always be under construction. Well as much as I didn’t want that to be true, she was 100% accurate and we never quite finished our house until we were ready to leave it.
I highly recommend her!!

Colette Baron Reid
Internationally acclaimed Oracle expert, spiritual medium and bestselling inspirational author
What Maya told me changed my life!
Maya provided me with a specific time and date to sell my investment property in the US, and she encouraged me to explore Costa Rica. Quickly, and after a series of synchronistic events, I met my husband there, right in my Venus love zone. Together we purchased a property in the Costa Rican rainforest with private waterfalls, just a few minutes from the beach.
The Waterfalls Villas property has doubled in value since we bought it. And our guests define this land as a sacred space.
Thank you, Maya, for giving me insight through the sacred art of astrology that opens up the Bounties of the Universe!

Fateh Baser
Yoga, Health, and Detox Mentor
You’re still reading. What’s holding you back?

There’s really nothing to lose.
And to make sure of that, I want to let you know about…
My No Hassle Guarantee:
I've built my business and my reputation on customer satisfaction. If you're unhappy with this program and let us know within 15 days, I'll happily refund 100% of your investment.
Isn’t it time you finally experienced confidence, clarity, and control again?
You and I may not have met in person yet, so I don’t know your exact circumstances. But what I do know is that you’re tired of feeling lost, out-of-place, and uncomfortable in your own skin.
It’s time for a change...
time to reveal the next chapter in your unique, transformational journey.
It’s time to tap into your PowerCenter.
You Deserve This
Maya is always spot on with her astrological forecasts. For many years, my listeners enjoyed her weekly Starcast on my radio show. Her insights have confirmed a number of career moves and important steps in personal growth.
Her work with Astrology and AstroCartoGraphy has always been on the cusp of her field. The first time we met, Maya advised me that I’d have great luck in New York City, and true to her word, I've always been blessed by good fortune when I’m there.

Caroline Sutherland
Author of The Body Knows - book series
I had never experienced AstroCartoGraphy, but I decided to give it a try. I wasn’t sure what it was and no one had ever connected the dots for me. Boy – did you ever connect the dots for me in a way that was easy to understand, and follow.
Based on what you said, I could have gone to the east coast, or Park City, Utah. I decided on Park City, and this is the best place I’ve ever lived. I wake up in gratitude every day.
Your reading, your knowledge, and intuitive gifts guided me to this place. I’m super grateful for you and forever appreciative and blessed by having you as one of my sages, a mentor, and one of my teachers.

Wendy Wise
Intuitive Health and Wellness Healer
I look forward to hearing how tapping into YOUR PowerCenter allows you to experience the life of your dreams!

Maya White
If you decide not to invest in yourself with Find Your PowerCenter today, what will your life look like a year from now? Five years from now? Chances are, it’ll be pretty much the same as it is today. If that’s what you wanted, you wouldn’t be here… so click the button below and say YES to your fulfilling, joyous, abundant future today!