Oprah Winfrey is one of the most visible and financially prosperous celebrities in the world, and she has set a high standard for show-biz royalty as well as every day people. Her astrological chart and Astro*Carto*Graphy maps reveal much about her personal and professional life.
The Power of Free Will Choice
Oprah Winfrey is a confirmation for astrology combined with the triumph of personal will. She has a powerful natal chart, but that alone does not pre-ordain the beacon which she has become.
Sharing a synchronicity of time and space, we are all born into a blueprint which is revealed in the natal astrological chart. However, we also have the power to create our destiny. Evolving through the combination of astrology and free will, we co-create in a unique world which empowers us to determine what we wish to manifest.
Oprah’s chart reveals her gift of beauty, her courage, and mystique. It also exposes her challenges. She was born with her Sun in the sign of Aquarius. This fixed air sign, also known as the Water Bearer, is distinguished by its desire to dispense knowledge and wisdom. Ruled by the planet Uranus, Aquarius is also independent in both lifestyle and thought. Oprah’s Sun is also joined by the planet Venus, Goddess of beauty and love.
Oprah, you are beautiful! The photographers love to capture your image, the public adores you and your pets, and you always look – gorgeous!
With her Sun, Venus, and Mercury all in Aquarius, what we see is what we get. Oprah doesn’t pull punches and she thinks well on her feet. As a fixed air sign, Aquarius is also known for holding steadfast to an opinion; another quality which enhances her strength. She will entertain ideas other than her own, but only after careful evaluation.
An 11th house Moon in Sagittarius readily enhances her positive Aquarian qualities. Here is more of her drive for independence combined with frank speech – she’s sassy! And, considering that she also has Mars in Scorpio, (which challenges her natal Pluto) this makes her potentially armed and dangerous. Unfortunately, she had to develop her strength through battles against worthy opponents. Oprah, however, exemplifies a positive example of Mars in Scorpio (in the 11th house); a passionate fighter for the causes which she believes in, especially those which uplift a troubled society.
Another major piece of any astrological profile is the ascendant, or rising sign, which is determined by one’s time of birth. Oprah’s ascendant is also Sagittarius, the same sign as her Moon.
The Sabian Symbols
The Sabian Symbols are an oracular branch of astrology developed in 1923 by Marc Edmund Jones. They offer a synchronistic message for each degree of the zodiac, and those related to Oprah’s Moon sign and ascendant are compelling.
The Sabian message for her Moon or emotional essence is: “An old owl up in a tree. This is a symbol of steadiness and normality in human affairs combined with exceptional wisdom in each detail of personal accomplishment.” (1)
The Sabian message for Oprah’s ascendant, a reflection of her personality and how she presents herself, is equally fascinating: “The Pope. A symbol of human excellence and special values exalted in social and political hierarchies of modern civilization.” (2)
As another champion for free will choice, Marc Edmond Jones challenged the notion that astrology creates destiny. Instead, he taught that astrology helps people see their own tendencies clearly, so that they can decide what they want to do for themselves.
Oprah’s Natal Chart
The planets already mentioned do explain some of Oprah’s drive, but, still, what makes her “tick?” And, why does the public love her so much? It is because she also loves the public! Neptune, the planet of glamour is in her astrological sector of career and public image.
Part of her universal appeal is that each person sees themselves in her. Monday through Friday, at 4 PM, she dispenses benediction to us all; the female Pope becoming Sophia, supreme goddess of wisdom. We love her, and because of her outstanding development of free will choice, she has become deserving of our admiration.
Next, what do the stars reveal about her personal life? Here’s a shining example for astrology 101 – Uranus conjunct the South Node in the 7th house. We already know she’s independent, but now we see that she has “issues” around personal relationships; deep, soul issues. Astrologer Stephen Forrest teaches that the combination of Uranus and the South Node is a marker of past lifetime chaos; someone whose loving relationships were uncontrollably swept away.
Always opposite the South Node, or karmic past, is the North Node. Here is our mission; what we came into this lifetime to learn about. Oprah has her North Node in Capricorn, conjunct the wounded healer planet/asteroid, Chiron. She could be a great hand’s on healer. Instead, she heals the world through her hands on approach. With Jupiter in the 6th house, she grows spiritually through her good works.
She has made no secret about her early struggles which include the death of her first and only child, as well as sexual abuse. These are experiences which might be expected of someone with Pluto, the planet of transformation, in the 8th house of life and death. Courageously, Oprah has shared what might otherwise be dearly held as a deep secret and taught by example the value of bringing light to our dark places.
As an expression of her desire to empower those less fortunate, in January of 2007, Oprah opened the Leadership Academy for Girls, a private school just outside of Johannesburg, South Africa. In her own words, she “fell in love with the beauty and spirit of Africa.”
Astro*Carto*Graphy is a branch of astrology which looks at personal resonant earth locations. Look at the planetary lines which Oprah has directly over Johannesburg; Sun, Venus, and Saturn. Immediately, her self expressed (Sun) love for the girls (Venus) is evident. Her sacrifice and commitment to them are sanctioned by Saturn.
Natal A*C*G Map for Oprah Winfrey, South Africa
So far, we have examined Oprah’s natal chart. The term “transits” refers to where the planets are in the sky as of a current date. Not surprisingly, she has been influenced by some powerful transiting planest, most notably the archetype of wholesale change, Pluto. Using a birth time of 4:30 AM, which appears to be accurate, based on the placement of her A*C*G lines, Oprah faced some fearsome challenges in 2007, and she will have more transformations in 2008.
One of her most publicly daunting events was the abuse scandal which rocked the girls’ academy in South Africa. With Pluto transiting her ascendant, and having this planet in her natal 8th house of sexuality and hidden things, it is not unexpected, (from an astrologer’s point of view) that she would have to deal with such a challenge. She also had the planet Neptune transiting her natal Mercury. Predictably, she was deceived and had to untangle a web of lies. However, based on the strength of her natal chart, it’s no surprise that she took on the task like a warrior.
The next map, calculated for August of 2007, illustrates the wounded healer Chiron, traveling over Johannesburg. This map confirms the accuracy and power of Astro*Carto*Graphy. As Chiron moves over her beloved Girls Academy, a sexual abuse scandal is bought out into the public eye; she faces the injury and brings closure to a wound from her personal past.
C*C*G update map for Oprah Winfrey, August 2007
With transiting Pluto on her ascendant for most of 2008, it’s a sure bet that parts of her old life will be transformed. Already, she has broken new ground by endorsing Presidential candidate Barack Obama. After September, as her progressed Moon enters her 12th house of solitude, she will want even more time for personal reflection. Even the queen of publicity deserves some privacy.
This short analysis barely scratches the surface of all that is revealed by a birth chart. Truly, astrologers are never bored because we can always dig out more relevant information on every little detail surrounding any person; it’s a great past time!
What astrology cannot predict, however, is that marker of true individuality, how each person opens their box of potential. This is what truly makes life, and people, interesting.
Oprah Winfrey has taken her unique set of astrological gifts and challenges and created an elegant symphony. Through her mastery of free will choice, she has brought in light where there was darkness. She is beacon of courage and grace who has touched so many lives in a personal way. Thank you, Oprah, for being beautiful you.
Oprah’s Chart Wheel
(1) Dr. Marc Edmund Jones. The Sabian Symbols in Astrology. The Marc Edmund Jones Literary Trust, 1993. ISBN: 0-943358-40-X (2) ibid Natal Chart for Oprah Winfrey Data source: AstroDataBank