
The World Peace Pagoda, Pokhara, Nepal

 ‘To be born human is a precious chance at spiritual bliss, a rarity one that one should not forsake.’ (Buddhist teaching)

In the Himalayas, The Full Moon of May is traditionally a time to celebrate the birth and death of Buddha – the festival of Wesak. Gautama Buddha, the enlightened one, was a teacher born in Lumbini, Nepal, a town not far from Katmandu, the epicenter of the recent 7.8 magnitude earthquake.

Born the son of a warrior king, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha  is a real person, believed to have lived and taught in India sometime between the 4th – 6th centuries BCE.

At the time of Wesak, the Taurus/Scorpio full moon usually in May , devotees engage in acts to honor the teachings of Buddha. Slaughter houses are closed, and caged animals are set free as an affirmation of soul liberation. Basins of water with flowers are placed at the temples and devotees pour the water over a statue of Buddha as a declaration of washing away negative karma.

This is about astrology more than Buddhism, but there are strong correlations.  I also wish to acknowledge the suffering of the kind people that my daughter and I met last November while traveling  in Nepal. We were fortunate enough to have visited Durbar Square while it was still intact. Under the shining Light of this year’s Scorpio full moon – it all looks very different now.

Loving the Sun in Durbar Ssquare

Loving the Sun in Durbar Ssquare

Ancient things laid to waste are a fitting image for the sun in Taurus and moon in Scorpio. The ‘heart’ of the matter is exactly that – HEART.

Compassion is another teaching of spiritual growth. Compassion for self and others is the high path of Scorpio; to learn not to self-destruct, or, like a Phoenix, to rise from the ashes – once again.

The Good News is:
Astrologically, May is a pretty quiet month. Jupiter and Pluto are still in what is called an ‘inconjunct’ , or off-balance aspect. Think of the inconjunct as a 3 legged stool that you can sit on but you must constantly monitor your balance. (Kind of like an earthquake).

This off-balance planetary aspect will be with us until late June, when Jupiter (finally) moves into the latter degrees of Leo.

Mercury Retrograde Alert
Mercury is retrograde from May 18 – June 11th. Because Mercury is traveling backwards in Gemini, the sign of his rulership, expect this one to be a bit unusual. Life goes on, but your logical mind is doing some back pedaling. Also, Mercury retrograde time periods are particularly ‘karmic’ times when synchronistic events occur more frequently.

People from your past may appear, and when they do, be sure that you pay attention to any messages. You’ll be shown, or will come to understand cycles that have been completed, or what needs to be done for closure. Getting upset over transportation snafus is generally a waste of time and energy, but know that this may happen. Take care of things like car repairs, or electronic purchases before Mercury goes retrograde.

Mars enters Gemini on May 11th . You’ll feel this differently, depending on your rising sign. For many, many years I have made a point of observing how the planets impact my real life experiences when they are active in my own chart.  I recently had Mars transiting my Ascendant which is always an adventure.

One year, on the day Mars hit my Ascendant, I awoke to find three backhoes digging up the front yard. (Mars rules machinery) This year, 2015, I felt great –much energized, but I saw several cars driving erratically (including one going backwards in the middle of a fast roadway)

You Can do it Too!
As you learn your chart, you can watch astrology in action. You’ll come to recognize the times when different planets are visiting you; it’s amazing to observe these planetary events as they play out in your life. Enjoy it – this is the real thing.

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