Free Weekly Astrology Newsletter from Maya White
Bonus: “Secrets From The Stars” E-Book
Of only 100 people world-wide that are certified in AstroCartoGraphy Relocation Astrology, Maya White is the most experienced. Begin your journey to discover the astrology that shows the greatest places to live or travel to for abundance and your next adventure.
Enter Your Name & Email below to get your Weekly Astrology Forecast Newsletter. As a special bonus, you’ll also get Maya’s amazing eBook, “Secrets From The Stars” for FREE. This e-book is incredible as it gives you the top five tips for Success, Abundance, and Personal Growth!
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[op_liveeditor_element][text_block]Hi, I’m Maya White, a soul-based Astrologer. I am one of only 100 people in the whole world certified as a Master in AstroCartoGraphy relocation astrology. It’s an amazing branch of astrology that helps connect people to their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth. I am a published writer in many magazines worldwide. I am a master astrologist as well as trained in advanced Feng Shui, an intermediate Integrated Energy Therapies level practitioner, and a certified Agent of Conscious Evolution.
In addition to being an an astrologer, I am a lifetime student of spirituality and have had many direct experiences of connection to the deep source of connection, the ‘One’ that is God. I am a life long student of Theosophy, yoga, Eastern religions, Huna, and Kabbalah. In 2015, I was delighted to receive a personal blessing from the Nechung Oracle, the State Oracle of Tibet who lives in the Dalai Lama’s compound.
As one of the most experienced practitioners of AstroCartoGraphy in the US, I am on the faculty of Kepler College and have clients worldwide. I love speaking to groups and sharing the brilliance that AstroCartoGraphy has to offer.
I know what it’s like to feel like you‘re in the wrong situation, but cannot break away. I even know how it feels to keep trying, over and over, to reinvent yourself, but it’s never right because that’s not your Perfect Place.
I believe that it’s possible for you to live where you’re supposed to LIVE, and do what you were meant to DO. [/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]
Some Testimonials:
As a retired teacher and as a metaphysical artist, I was spiritually drawn to Maya White, because of her obvious connection to universal truths. It had been over thirty years, since I had asked anyone to do an astrology chart for me. The one that Maya prepared was excellent with personalized, and on target information.
I also attended an astrology workshop led by Maya in which she made concepts interesting and easy to understand; things which had previously seemed complicated. Maya White is a genuine, caring, conscientious professional whom I highly recommend to anyone seeking legitimately sound advice and encouragement.
Peace, Love, and Joy,
Pat S Loy
Davie, Florida
Maya White is a powerful and soothing presence with tremendous insight and laser-beam intuition! The sessions I had went above and beyond anything I had ever experienced in the realm of astrological readings. She helped me identify a template to orient myself for now and the future.
I felt that the readings were so much more than just an explanation of my natal chart–they were a transmission of the psychology behind the alignments!
Finally, the inclusion of the “asteroid goddesses” has changed the way I look at astrology forever! What an essential and often overlooked aspect of what I now know is so vital to the full understanding of one’s natal chart! Thank you, Maya!!!
Jennifer Kries
My reading with you continues to guide and enrich my life.
The night of the reading I dreamed about a black panther! I immediately got out my Animal-Speak book and the message was so profound. The panther implies that an old issue may finally begin to be resolved, or even that old longstanding wounds will finally begin to heal, with a reclaiming of power. So inspiring!
Sending The Divine healing light your way.
Love and Peace,
Ann Sutter, Boothbay Harbor, Maine[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]
Don’t forget to enter Your Name & Email below to get your Weekly Astrology Forecast Newsletter. As a special bonus, you’ll also get my amazing eBook, “Secrets From The Stars” for FREE. This e-book is incredible as it gives you the top five tips for Success, Abundance, and Personal Growth!
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