Chart for the Pisces New Moon at 10 degrees Pisces

Chart for the Pisces New Moon at 10 degrees Pisces

The Pisces New Moon  is a time to set your intention for personal healing, which in turn makes the planet earth a better place to live. To understand the sign of Pisces, it helps to know Neptune, the planetary ruler of this mutable, watery sign.

Oceans, the realm of Neptune, cover most of our earth. Water is so powerful, yet you cannot hold it in your hand. Think about the power of a tsunami, and you begin to meet the mythic oceanic Neptune.

Neptune and Chiron join the Sun and Moon in the early and mid-degrees of Pisces. Neptune holds court at 6 degrees – a place of tone and balance.

Both Neptune and Chiron are associated with the shamanic tradition. Neptune holds the amniotic water of creation, and Chiron is the guide who accompanies you to the temple of healing.

As an expression of Neptune, the shaman enters an estatic trance state, assuming the personality or other qualities of an outside entity. He or she must relinquish personal control of ego and allow embodiment of another (preferably sacred image) for a limited time. The shamans’ tools of dance, ritual, music or rhythmic drumming, masks, and altered states of consciousness lead the tribe to a unified state of spiritual ecstasy. Neptune expands consciousness, and allows for the healing process of Chiron.

The healing path of Chiron is one of holistic; as you heal yourself, you simultaneously heal the earChiron_frontth.  As a communicator between humans and the spirit world, the shaman journeys with, or on behalf of the person who is in search of healing, or a message of understanding.

And, like Chiron, the wounded healer, often in the life of a shaman there is an injury such as early disease, blindness, a near-death experience, or some other experience that causes him or her to gather strength and power and drives them to fulfill their spiritual destiny.

The glyph for Chiron resembles a stylized key;  a device used to open a passageway from one reality to another. That, in essence, is the promise of Chiron. The Sun, Moon, and Planets are inviting you to heal – NOW. Embrace this time and know that you have an opportunity, and even a calling, to make your life whole, complete, and satisfying.

With all blessings and love ~

** Join me in Kerala, India November 2014. More Info HERE

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