The Royal Baby – Born to Reign

C_Windsor_Art Nouveau Cusps 2-page-001 It’s always interesting to take a look at the chart of someone who was spoken about around the world even before he or she was born. The new princess baby, child of Kate Middleton and Prince William Windsor surely has an interesting chart.

Because of her situation in life, being in the public will be unavoidable for this child, and it’ll be fascinating to watch this child grow up and fulfill her destiny.

Baby Charlotte was born on May 2nd, about 36 hours before the Full Moon of May 3rd; her sun is in Taurus, moon in Libra, and she has Cancer rising. Cancer is a great rising sign for a monarch who is born to serve, someone who is motivated to know that others are ‘fed’ and that their needs are met.

The baby princess has her moon is in Libra, which is actually a better placement than moon in Scorpio for one destined to life a public life. Scorpio is by nature secretive and private, whereas the royal baby’s Libra moon will help with her social graces.

Having her Sun placed in house #11 is a nice indicator of a long life, and one that gets better throughout the years. The passage of time will serve her well, although, with her Uranus and south node also in house #11, there will be periods of instability, and she will witness changes to her family status. However, with her Moon conjunct north node in house #5, Charlotte can always count on being a beloved child to the public, similar to her Grandmother, Princess Diana.

Understandably, by the time she would be filling the shoes of her Father and Great-grandmother, the British monarchy may have transformed, and therefore it’s difficult to predict that Charlotte will actually reign. However, she has the chart of a Queen!

Most notable about this baby’s chart is Neptune in the 10th house. This is a placement that conveys the archetype of grandness; someone who seems larger than life.

One of the ways to understand astrology is to look at living examples, and here are some other famous people who were born with in their 10th House, the place of public honor. The best person to begin this list is Charlotte’s deceased Grandmother, Princess Diana.

And, there are many more; both John F Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis had Neptune placed in their 10th house. Oprah Winfrey, Grace Kelly, and Christina Aguilera also have this same astrological signature. And, last but not least, Walt Disney, and Frank Sinatra fill out the list.

Unlike her brother, Prince George who has a chart driven by a hunger for money and power, Charlotte will take her responsibilities to serve very seriously. Her 6th house, the house of Service, is nicely filled with Saturn, Pallas Athena, and the Part of Fortune- all indicator of someone who takes pride in her work, and knows how to get the job done.

Having Venus in the 12th house, along with her Mercury and Mars adds to her archetypal largesse. Such a populated 12th house makes her, again, someone that gives her live to the ‘people’.  Her Venus there looks like a princess in exile; someone who is adored, but also lonely.  Here again, Princess Charlotte echoes the energy of Princess Diana.

Little Charlotte was born into a modern world, but she has a strong, traditional chart. With Mars in the 12th house, plus her Neptune the focal point of a t-square, power struggles are predictable. Also, because of Mercury retrograde by progression from age 16 to age 40, it may be many years that Charlotte remains a Princess rather than being ordained Queen.  But, know that her 11th house Sun will ultimately reign, and Charlotte will add grace and recognition to the house of Windsor.

You Can do it Too!
As you learn your chart, you can watch astrology in action. You’ll come to recognize the times when different planets are visiting you; it’s amazing to observe these planetary events as they play out in your life. Enjoy it – this is the real thing.

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Scorpio and the Buddha – Rebirth and Compassion


The World Peace Pagoda, Pokhara, Nepal

 ‘To be born human is a precious chance at spiritual bliss, a rarity one that one should not forsake.’ (Buddhist teaching)

In the Himalayas, The Full Moon of May is traditionally a time to celebrate the birth and death of Buddha – the festival of Wesak. Gautama Buddha, the enlightened one, was a teacher born in Lumbini, Nepal, a town not far from Katmandu, the epicenter of the recent 7.8 magnitude earthquake.

Born the son of a warrior king, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha  is a real person, believed to have lived and taught in India sometime between the 4th – 6th centuries BCE.

At the time of Wesak, the Taurus/Scorpio full moon usually in May , devotees engage in acts to honor the teachings of Buddha. Slaughter houses are closed, and caged animals are set free as an affirmation of soul liberation. Basins of water with flowers are placed at the temples and devotees pour the water over a statue of Buddha as a declaration of washing away negative karma.

This is about astrology more than Buddhism, but there are strong correlations.  I also wish to acknowledge the suffering of the kind people that my daughter and I met last November while traveling  in Nepal. We were fortunate enough to have visited Durbar Square while it was still intact. Under the shining Light of this year’s Scorpio full moon – it all looks very different now.

Loving the Sun in Durbar Ssquare

Loving the Sun in Durbar Ssquare

Ancient things laid to waste are a fitting image for the sun in Taurus and moon in Scorpio. The ‘heart’ of the matter is exactly that – HEART.

Compassion is another teaching of spiritual growth. Compassion for self and others is the high path of Scorpio; to learn not to self-destruct, or, like a Phoenix, to rise from the ashes – once again.

The Good News is:
Astrologically, May is a pretty quiet month. Jupiter and Pluto are still in what is called an ‘inconjunct’ , or off-balance aspect. Think of the inconjunct as a 3 legged stool that you can sit on but you must constantly monitor your balance. (Kind of like an earthquake).

This off-balance planetary aspect will be with us until late June, when Jupiter (finally) moves into the latter degrees of Leo.

Mercury Retrograde Alert
Mercury is retrograde from May 18 – June 11th. Because Mercury is traveling backwards in Gemini, the sign of his rulership, expect this one to be a bit unusual. Life goes on, but your logical mind is doing some back pedaling. Also, Mercury retrograde time periods are particularly ‘karmic’ times when synchronistic events occur more frequently.

People from your past may appear, and when they do, be sure that you pay attention to any messages. You’ll be shown, or will come to understand cycles that have been completed, or what needs to be done for closure. Getting upset over transportation snafus is generally a waste of time and energy, but know that this may happen. Take care of things like car repairs, or electronic purchases before Mercury goes retrograde.

Mars enters Gemini on May 11th . You’ll feel this differently, depending on your rising sign. For many, many years I have made a point of observing how the planets impact my real life experiences when they are active in my own chart.  I recently had Mars transiting my Ascendant which is always an adventure.

One year, on the day Mars hit my Ascendant, I awoke to find three backhoes digging up the front yard. (Mars rules machinery) This year, 2015, I felt great –much energized, but I saw several cars driving erratically (including one going backwards in the middle of a fast roadway)

You Can do it Too!
As you learn your chart, you can watch astrology in action. You’ll come to recognize the times when different planets are visiting you; it’s amazing to observe these planetary events as they play out in your life. Enjoy it – this is the real thing.

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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy






Flight 370 – Mystery at the Heart of the Matter


One of the advantages of astrology is that you can cast a chart for the exact moment – the birth – of an event as well as a person. The departure chart of Malaysian Air Flt 370 is revealing and gives us a stellar example of astrology 101. Some answers are clear, and It’s really not even necessary to over analyze this chart by tearing apart aspects or decanates & duads.

With Neptune exact, by degree, on the IC of this chart, I have to think that, in keeping with the spirit of Neptune in Pisces –this aircraft has joined the realm of Neptune; lost – in the ocean.  Also, with Jupiter,  the ruler of the Sagittarius ascendant in house 8, this chart faces the irrevocable ending of death.

There are 4 points of activation in any astrological chart – the Ascendant, Descendant, Medium Coeli (MC – also called Midheaven) and Imum Coelli (IC – also called Nadir).

The IC is also the ‘heart’ of a chart, and with Neptune holding court in this chart – we have a great big mystery.

The IC, or beginning cusp of the 4th house is a gateway to death and rebirth. It is through the IC, or 4th house cusp, that we are born on earth, our spirit housed inside of a body.  And, it is again through the IC that the souls depart this earthly realm.  With Neptune exactly on the IC, a point of activation, this flight, needless to say, didn’t have a good start.

And, the result is confusion (Neptune) at the heart (IC) of the matter. Also, the public has experienced deceptions and delay (Neptune) from the Malaysian (home) government (Sun in 4th house).

Saturn in the 12th house blocks resolution, buries the truth, and also will most likely deny a proper burial for the victims.

The Gemini moon, at another point of activation, has attracted (Descendant) a flurry of attention (moon) from the media (Gemini).

Questions Answered by Astrology 

The ACG Destination Map shows that Flt #70 departed under the locational auspices of Moon square Neptune, and even at the latitude of Mercury square Saturn.

The ACG Destination Map shows that Flt #70 departed under the locational auspices of Moon square Neptune, and even at the latitude of Mercury square Saturn.

Is the Pilot a hero or a villain? Mars conjunct North Node in house 11 –
‘He’s a hero’.

Will survivors or even remains be found? Saturn in Scorpio in 12th house –‘No’  

What happened? : Neptune IC, Uranus square Pluto and Jupiter.  Pilots disabled by noxious gasses, perhaps originated from electrical fire

What’s Going On?

False leads, Confusion: Moon square Neptune

Media darling, Incessant Speculation: Moon in Gemini on the Descendant

Chaotic release of information: Mercury in Aquarius in 3rd house

Deception, Families lied to, invading the pilot’s home: Neptune on the IC

Agony of mourners: Saturn in Scorpio in 12th house

Information is the ‘currency’ of this situation: Pluto in Capricorn in 2nd house

Power play of nations over flow of information and recovery: Jupiter in Cancer in 8th, opposing Pluto

Malaysian Flight 370 is/was initiated at an unfortunate time; if you’re considering launching a business, consider consulting an astrologer and avoid disaster! You can choose a good time to begin your project; learn from this astrological example.

With blessings and love to the families of everyone involved in this affair –

Contact me : maya (at)

Join me in Kerala, India – November 2 – 9, 2014   More info HERE

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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy