What’s Going On * March 16 – 22 * Into the Mystic

Mercury is retrograde until April 4th. Now is the perfect time to breath new life into old projects.

Welcome to the Age of Practical Mysticism!

As we enter into the upcoming Spring Equinox (Monday the 19th) and the Aries New Moon (Thursday the 22nd) I invite you to celebrate the exquisite life that is your promise. Old contracts have been fulfilled, and we are truly on the cutting edge of a new era; an age of personal empowerment and freedom is coming your way.

The Capricorn moon of Friday the 16th forms a lovely trine to Venus in the early morning hours. Although Capricorn can be stern, it is also an excellent sign and time for getting organized. As we enter the balsamic lunar phase, there is a clear message to take care of loose ends.

Sunday the 18th delivers another dynamic Mercury/Uranus conjunction – the 2nd of 3 which occur between early March and April 22nd. As this one manifests in the midst of a full blown Mercury Retrograde time period – examine promises that you made in the past, and think of how and when you reconcile your dues. Ideally, by April 22nd, (which is also Earth Day) the date of the 3rd Mercury/Uranus conjunction,  you will have released old obligations and even spiritual contracts. Mercury will have cleared the shadow of his most recent retrograde, and we are free to move ahead within the auspices of a gentle Taurus sun and moon.

Monday, the 19th, the earth arrives at a subtle point of balance, known as the Vernal Equinox. Each year, the Vernal, or Spring Equinox delivers us to a cosmic re-set point. This day signals the beginning degree of the tropical zodiac, 0 degrees Aries – and, wonderful people, it’s all an open field from here on out.

The word equinox actually means equal day and night; and we now leave the short days and long nights of winter behind and move into the cycle of long days and short nights.  Truly this year, March came in like a Lion, and is going out like a – RAM.

As the Sun, Moon, and Mercury all rise to join Uranus during the week, know that this is your calling card for change. Some of the changes will arrive on cue, and others will sneak into your consciousness – and then your life. The keyword for Uranus is – Catalyst. Think of a lightning storm over water – listen to the thunder, feel the rain, and open to the calling for change that is coming into your life.

Tuesday the 20th, the Pisces moon engages Mars, Pluto, and Jupiter. In keeping with the recent positive grand earth trine, this is a great day to reach out and connect with friends and social contacts.

Wednesday the 21st, Mercury dives into the heart of the Sun! On this day, think before you take action, and then – think again. This transit is noted for making decisions that you wish you hadn’t made – need I say more? Oh, I will remind you – Mercury is retrograde, too.

The New moon arrives on Thursday the 22nd at 7:37 AM eastern time. Here is your joy. This is a high powered celestial event, complete with cosmic bells and whistles, and even a parade. Think New Year – and fresh new beginnings. More to come. For details on the Aries New Moon, subscribe to my newsletter. And, if you want to know how the amazing planetary energies of the Aries New Moon will influence your life, schedule your personal reading HERE.

Wishing you smooth sailing on your path Into the Mystic. We are all in this one together, and it’s going to be really good!

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©Maya White/ White Star LLC/ 2012

 LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy | Astrology Expert

March 2012 * Welcome the Age of Aquarius!


Maya White - What's Going On?Full Moon in Virgo* March 8
New Moon in Aries* March 22nd  

Mercury retrograde * March 12 – April 4  (6 Aries/ 23 Pisces)

Mercury conjunct Uranus * March 5 ; March 18 ; April 22
Jupiter trine Pluto * March 12

This month graces us with bountiful astrological events. Most notable is the Golden Grid Earth Trine of March 12 – 15th. We have a major benefic planetary line up during these days. First, on Monday the 12th, Jupiter in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn at 9:31 PM Pacific time, and Tuesday, Venus joins expansive Jupiter. (Sky watchers have been seeing this celestial event developing over the past month.)  Astrologically, Jupiter has been peregrine, or exiled in the early degrees of Taurus; he was shining brightly in the sky, but not interacting by degree with the other planets. As he engages Pluto, he springs to life.

Mars in Virgo chimes in to complete the action on Wednesday the 14th by completing his favorable interaction with Pluto, and the Jupiter/Venus conjunction. With Pluto ruling world government, this should bring relief on the global front, as well as grant ease to the people.

The last quarter moon of March 14th is at 25 Sagittarius – within orb of the Galactic Center which is to be found at the heart of the Milky Way galaxy. The last quarter lunation signals a time of ‘reckoning of consciousness.’ With recent resignations of 40 worlds banking leaders in place, there is truly hope for a new world to emerge. Hold on, though, because March delivers even more good news!

The New Moon of March 22nd is preceded by our Vernal Equinox on March 19th. With this lunation, the Sun, Moon, and Mercury activate Uranus in the early degrees of Aries. Talk about new beginnings! I have never seen such a dramatic line up. The planets also reside closely in what is called declination, a measurement that addresses vertical alignment that further empowers what could be a volatile planetary gathering. Hopefully the blessing of benefics earlier in the month will defuse the negative potential as we truly welcome the Age of Aquarius.

Mercury also makes his play into the dance of Light for March. Mercury conjunct the Sun (March 21) can be described as a merging of Mind and Will. Sometimes called a ‘trickster’, Mercury notably is described as being void of a conscience. (It is Jupiter who orders Mercury into social compliance.) But before Mercury joins the Sun, he meets his higher octave planet, Uranus, twice in March! On the 5th, before his retrograde station he meets his ‘soul mate’ .These two make a dramatic pair – Mercury brings the ideas and Uranus makes them happen. If you are preparing to launch something, brilliant, Monday the 5th is your day to shoot for the stars!

Best to take care of your important business before Mercury stations retrograde on Monday the 12th. This time, Mercury leaves his temporary home in Aries to re-enter Pisces (March 23 – April 4) where he cleans up unfinished business. Coinciding then with the retrograde journey of Mercury, he again joins Uranus on March 18th and April 22nd. Know that many secrets will be revealed when these two characters meet in April.

This is all good news – use it to your best advantage, and really, really, treasure the blessings.

With love and amazement and gratitude – Maya White

©Maya White/ White Star LLC/ 2012

 LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy | Astrology Expert