What’s Going On – August 2011

We move into August from a framework of irrevocable endings. The month of July ended with a dramatic exit. More than a waning moon, the last days of July also opened a deep energetic abyss – though this is not necessarily a negative thing. Rather, the dark waning void of course Cancer moon of Friday the 29th  closed the month with the presentation of a space, and place to leave the past behind.

And, reliably, the Leo new moon of July 30th shifts us into a new space of Leo light; the shining sun, theatre, self expression, and bravado.  Like compatible divas, or two BFF’s, the Sun and Venus in Leo heat up the stage of bright new beginnings; and so we carry on. Some may view the action of Mercury retrograde from August 2 – the 26 as a negative; others see it as the perfect time to enjoy the fruits of the season. It’s always nice to have things peaceful and quiet, but, as I look into the Astro*Time line, I see that Mars will be stirring some action on the world stage.

Note that the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all retrograde also for the entire month of August. This presents us with a time for karmic mop up duty; what do you need to tend to? Now is a precious time to mend fences such as faltering relationships, family ties, or your personal economic situation. Uranus in stressful aspect to Pluto explodes on the world stage as monumental social and economic pressures; however, you must trust that the answer lies in purifying and strengthening your personal energies. Remember this; you CAN do it, you DO have the ability, and you ARE the solution. 

Pressure is the forge that creates the matrix of new tools and answers to old problems. Trust that you are divinely guided and protected.  The outer world seems to present a state of chaos, but if you calm down, you will find a very still, peaceful, and powerful place within.

Astro*Time Line   August 1 – 13

Monday the 1st is an excellent day to take decisive action. The Virgo moon sharpens your intellect as it forms favorable trines to both Pluto and Jupiter. Don’t begrudge the fates of the upcoming Mercury retrograde and lose a fabulous day to get things done. Even the Sun square Jupiter in the AM adds dynamic energy to Monday the 1st.

Get things lined up, because – Tuesday delivers (drum roll) the dreaded Mercury Retrograde – August 2 – 26. The secret here is: it’s not so bad if you understand it. The problem with this one is that it stations in the 1st degree of Virgo, and then travels back into Leo. Translation: you may feel overlooked. Best secret strategy: use this time to make yourself look even better than you did before. Also, this is a great time to shore up an old skill, or learn a new specialty that you have always wanted to explore.

Wednesday the 3d is an extremely busy day. The Moon enters Libra in the early AM; Mars enters Cancer, and in the early morning hours also forms a favored trine to Mars. Mars in Cancer is said to favor artists and philosophers. Somehow, there is redemption in the aspects of this day.  The Moon square Pluto and conjunct Saturn is a reflection of the universal stress that we are all feeling, and you may have to face something you’d rather not have to deal with; actually, it’s better to address these tough issues earlier rather than later.

Saturday the 6th lands sunny side up with a Leo Sun and a Scorpio Moon. The deal here is: if you didn’t face that pressing task earlier in the week, it is going to land again, only this time with a bit more force. Remember that the first quarter moon represents a time of being pushed to take action; and the Scorpio moon adds a little kick in the pants. There is just plain pressure here, and you will have to deal with it. With the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all in fixed signs, you can get settled into an old rut, or, you can decide to get the train rolling on something new.

Tuesday the 9th delivers a stressful dynamic between Mars and Uranus –there may be an act of violence on the world stage. Even the Moon conjunct Pluto in the late evening invites intensity. Wednesday the 10th Mars next opposes Pluto; another aspect of tension. This Mars will inevitably trigger world events. On the personal level, you may hear many fire and ambulance sirens on these days, and take extra care to not incur uninvited wrath such as road rage or some other unintended accident. Better to be an observer than a participant in this department.

The Full Moon of August 13th expands the energy of Leo from personal to impersonal. Remember, it does not really about YOU, however, also remember that YOU are the answer. You are a microcosm of a vast, expanding Universe that seems ready to explode. Maintain your state of mind and expression of personal love expanding into universal love. Things quiet down dramatically in the second half of the month. There is an equalization taking place, and each one of us can stabilize and become shining vessels of positive energy. With this Full moon of August, I honor your sacred Light.  
