Venus and a Higher Love’s Going On
After all the recent tumultuous astrological action, the month of May sweeps in like a fresh breeze. We can only take the high impact stress of last month for so long, and this month you can look forward to some planetary ‘down’ time.

I think it’s the perfect month to plan a mini vacation, get away with friends and family, and renew your enjoyment for life.

In April it was the planet Mars who was running the show- this time around; it’s the goddess Venus who takes a stand. How fitting!

Venus and the Path to Higher Love
Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra, is a messenger and teacher of the finer side of life. Throughout history, Venus, or Aphrodite, has inspired humans to share delight and joy. Of course she has a dark side, but for today, I’ll honor her goodness. The desire for connection, for love, sex, and even relationship is a driving human function addressed through Venus.

Venus serves to balance the wild side of Mars. Venus wants connection and balance, while Mars wants to overcome and subdue. Venus wants peace, while Mars seeks dominion. Venus needs love, while Mars feeds war. Venus knows that when she has peace that she has more time to pursue her interests and pleasures.

We’ve shifted into the month of May and a time when Venus is empowered, otherwise, known as the planetary lord, or ruler of the month.

There are many fascinating days this month as Venus applies leverage to the still simmering Cardinal Cross. Mars is still in Libra, but a bit ‘out of it’ so to speak; now in early Libra, Mars is not dynamically speaking to the other planets.

But, Venus, as she enters Aries on May 2nd moves swiftly into action. Venus square Pluto on the 14th (day of Full Moon) and conjunct Uranus on the 15th is the Goddess’s response to last month.

It’s about Being Free

It all starts with the same players: Mars, Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter. Only now, Venus is calling the shots.

Venus opposing Mars on May 11th is a shot over the bow of dominion.  The opposition says ‘I want it my way, baby, and I’m ready to break the chain’.

When Venus squares Pluto on May 14th, she’s dealing with any lingering emotional ties. Old Pluto is jealous and doesn’t want to let go; Venus in Aries really doesn’t give a damn about his old, morbid, clutches.

Next day, May 15th, Venus conjunct Uranus is the kicker – Venus is ready to walk on the wild side. Uranus is a catalyst, and although the changes engendered under a Uranus transit may take some time to settle out – under the auspices of Uranus, life never returns to the way it was.

Finally, on May 18th, Venus square Jupiter is a statement that you are enough, you have what you need, and you’re up for the task of your transformation.

This is a great month ahead, and you’re in a unique transformational zone  an axis of safety in time and space. Enjoy this month, greet the week, and love each and every day.

Contact me : maya (at)

Join me in Kerala, India – November 2 – 9, 2014   More info HERE

Check out your May 2014 all original horoscope HERE


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Heart and Soul / Soular Eclipse

images_eclipseMake A Joyful Noise

Every year we have a season of eclipses – in the Spring and the Fall. In ancient times, eclipses were ominously associated with a fall from power or the death of a leader. Both the ancient Chinese and the Indians thought a snake attacked the sun during an eclipse. Noise making was an effort to scare the devouring creature away.

The earliest recorded eclipse was in China on October 22, 2134 BCE. Sadly, it manifested bad luck for the two court astrologers who lost their heads because, since they had failed to predict it, the emperor had not prepared to make the necessary noise to scare the devouring dragon away.

A Time of Great Power
So, we fast forward to our age of knowledge – seeking – wisdom, and now watch the eclipses on webcam,  But, what does it mean for you? Think of a Solar eclipse as the moon standing in front of the Sun.  Translated into the language of astrology, it’s a time when your emotions unite with your manifest reality – which can be a good thing.  The eclipse signals an opportunity get your heart and soul, your reality and your desires – into alignment.

Ghosts Out of the Closet – Neptune and Mars

Astro*Oracle  Neptune is the planet of secrets

Astro*Oracle Neptune is the planet of secrets

Every eclipse has a planetary signature based on the conditions of its origin called the Saros Cycle. The New Moon Solar eclipse of April 28th is a member of Saros Cycle 16 South, and was birthed through Neptune and Mars. These two planets present a signature of dealing with wasted energy and even misdirected motivation – in other words – ghosts, old habits, defeating messages, and past failures begin crying for another chance to live.

It’s important to note that with this eclipse being under the influence of Neptune and Mars; it’s sometimes advisable to wait to take action! If you need to make a major change in your life, consider that you have the next 6 months to prepare, and take heart in knowing that the New Moon of October 23rd signals a positive and passionate time to be in alignment with your new world.

This is not an excuse to continue living with the ghosts, but, it’s an opportunity to get clear on the fact that you need to do something about them, and they’re not going to go away on their own.

The Big Question
Ah, you say, ‘I just got through this Cardinal Cross – haven’t I had enough challenges?’ Honestly, the magic bullet this time around is facing the ghost that has been haunting you for so long.  And, the Soular Eclipse now asks: What have you been hanging on to?

The Great Answer
The fixed Earth sign of Taurus provides answers on how to proceed with your great opportunity. And, the secret to success in the days of Taurus is finding the courage to take that 1st step. Taurus is like a freight train, hard to get into motion, but once started, you are unstoppable.

The New Moon is always a time of New Beginnings, but for this one, it might be advisable to bet your plans refined and ready to launch. Taurus teaches us that you are not alone, that like the brave oxen, you have safety and support from your tribe. You can move forward one step at a time and enjoy the journey rather than just focus on the destination. Remain grounded, stable, and hold firm to your conviction.

Taurus makes plans, and then fulfills them.  Easy does it; take time to smell the flowers – in fact, fill your life with flowers! Happy New Moon – may your day be filled with beauty, grace, and the wonder of a Spring day.

Contact me : maya (at)

Join me in Kerala, India – November 2 – 9, 2014   More info HERE

Check out your March 2014 all original horoscope HERE


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

The Blood Moon and a New World Order


The Full Moon lunar eclipse that ripens on Monday night is being referred to as the ‘Blood Moon”. Technically, it’s one of four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses in between.

This Lunar eclipse is at the degree of the Fixed Star Spica, a star of talent and honor. Don’t buy into drama or fear around this Full Moon; with the Cardinal cross of April, think of it as a karmic unwinding that will reveal a fresh new world.

And, the blood is a part of the amniotic fluids released at the moment of birth.

The full moon nearly always appears coppery red during a total lunar eclipse. That’s because the dispersed light from all the Earth’s sunrises and sunsets falls on the face of the moon at mid-eclipse. Traditionally, the full moon of autumn, the Harvest Moon, is also called the ‘Blood Moon’ because it often appears redder because of the season.

Some, such as Pastor Mark Biltz, author of “Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs,” have noticed that the 2014/2015 lunar eclipses fall on Jewish holidays of Passover and Sukkot. Mr. Blitz then further examines the history of eclipses and how they relate to war and the Middle East, especially the birth of Israel, concluding that this is an omen of negative world events, labeling the upcoming four consecutive lunar eclipses as ‘Blood Moons’.

I earnestly invite you to look beyond pop media, and enjoy the uniqueness of this astrological and astronomical event; it’s even more exciting and makes for a better story than predictions of suffering.

The scales of Libra are graced by the feather of Maat, the goddess who weighs the lightness of your soul. See Maat's feather at the foot of the scales of Justice.

The scales of Libra are graced by the feather of Maat, the goddess who weighs the lightness of your soul. See Maat’s feather at the foot of the scales of Justice.

The right conversation to have is about the benefits of a Lunar (emotional) eclipse (re-set) in Libra (justice).  Next week, April 20th – 23rd, four planets, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, and Uranus, activate an aspect called a ‘Cardinal Cross’.

Each planet falls in the 13th degree of its respective sign; Mars at 13 Libra, Uranus at 13 Aries, Jupiter at 13 Cancer, and Pluto at 13 Capricorn.

Mars, now retrograde in Libra, is the activator of this event – the ‘trigger man’ so to speak. However, Mars is in his detriment in Libra, and even his retrograde status now endows thoughtfulness and concern, joined with a mandate to bow to the laws of Universal Justice.

There are several ‘reasons’ that 13 is considered a remarkable number, one of them being that there are, in the natural order of the cosmos, 13 natural lunar cycles in one year.

The Julian calendar, introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC was a reform of the natural Roman calendar. Later, in 1582 Pope Gregory instituted corrections to the Julius calendar, but the end result is that the civil calendar used today is the result of a systematic separation of humans from the natural world, and the power of women.

By the way, I love it that Christine Lagarde, managing director of the IMF is one of the most powerful people in the world now. Her surname, Lagarde has two translations; one is guardian or protector, and the other is a person in charge of growing edible produce, someone who feeds the people. Both translations have relevance to her service.

EgyptianGoddessMaatPapyrusArtSThe world is giving birth, but it’s not going to end. And, women can and will be the midwives to our new foundation. Yes, women bleed, and they also give birth.

The Blood Moons of 2014/2015 will nurture a new way of being on this earth, and it’s up to you to affirm your reality as one of commitment, responsibility, and birthing a new world of love.

Wishing you the benefits of the New World order that you create.

Give birth to your Higher Self, nurture yourself and your loved ones, feed the animals, house the homeless, serve the disenfranchised, be a force of PEACE & JUSTICE ON EARTH.

Contact me : maya (at)

Join me in Kerala, India – November 2 – 9, 2014   More info HERE

Check out your March 2014 all original horoscope HERE


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

What’s Going On – April and the Cardinal Cross

astrologytimeAre you ready for an amazing journey? April is one of the most amazing months. In keeping with the mechanics of change, there is a process of tension and release, and April is a perfect example of the process of tension which is needed to get to the new phase of development.

Tabla Rasa for the 21st Century
I invite you to regard this month as your personal blank slate, or Tabla Rasa.  Pure potential that is actualized and comes to be known through experience is the essence of Tabla Rasa. You can choose to actualize the positive potential of any circumstance –the choice is up to yours.

You can name and frame any situation as one for learning.  If you regard this month as an invitation and an opportunity to face your fears and break new ground you’ll be richly rewarded. Think of this month as your personal crossing of the symbolic ‘Red Sea’ – a time to step into a miraculous way of life. The squares of the Cardinal Cross challenge you to face your fears, take the plunge, and move ahead.

Be the Change You Want to See in the World

Uranus energy moves like a lightening storm over water, stirring up chaos but also change!

Uranus energy moves like a lightening storm over water, stirring up chaos but also change!

Because the outer planets Uranus and Pluto are activated, much of these changes will take place on the global level. Undeniably, the world is shifting, and Uranus and Pluto are markers of government – ‘the people’ (Uranus) vs power and control (Pluto). It’ll be interesting to observe the world stage; there will most likely be events that we surely have no control over and stresses such as earthquakes and political rebellions can surely be expected.

What you can control is the way you hold your personal energy. Absolutely be aware of personal safety and, beyond that, nurture and hold your energetic body strong. Don’t get distracted by the noise; it’s an invitation to your new way of being. I know that many of you are praying constantly for world peace.

The action takes place at the 13th degree of the cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. This will be personally impactful if you were born April 1 – 5; July 3 – 7; October 4 – 8; January 1 – 5. . If your birthday falls into one of these time-frames take stock of how things are now, and know that you’re on the fast track to fulfill your potential.

Jupiter and the US Chart
The Cardinal Cross has several points of impact on the United States birthchart. The good news is that Jupiter is protecting the nation. There are a few options (and opinions) for birth charts of the US, but regardless of time, we can agree that July 4th is the commonly accepted birthday of the US which places transiting Jupiter on the Sun of the Unite States at 13 Cancer. The US chart also has Saturn at 14 Libra, so the ‘rules’ of the nation will be challenged  by Uranus (radical change) but can  also be energized by Mars (Mars conjunct Saturn is a signature of discipline). I don’t see this as a negative, rather it’s a manifestation of what must be done in order for the US to move ahead and retain relevance in a changing world.

Parsifal’s Journeyfool
Parsifal is represented by the ‘Fool’ of the tarot deck, an innocent, good being who slowly starts to understand the world. He is pure of heart, yet wanted to become a knight in King Arthur’s court. Like any hero, Parsifal needed to overcome challenges and claim his power to fulfill his noble mission.

Parsifal’s journey to wisdom is symbolic of our walk through the 12 signs of the zodiac; as the soul moves around the wheel of the sun signs, we each gain wisdom needed for completion of a life cycle.

I’ve made a list of the major transits for April. Think of the stories told by astrology as Parsifal’s Journey – the path that you take to your destination of joy. There are pitfalls and traps along the way, but regardless of how long it takes, you’re headed to your freedom and joy.

Major transits for April:
April 1: Sun square Jupiter – evaluate and name what you want
April 2: Sun conjunct Uranus- take action to change, even is if ‘shocks yourself and others’
April 5: Venus enters Pisces – live your compassion
April 8th: Sun opposes Mars – overcome obstacles
April 11: Venus conjunct Neptune – connect with your heart and soul, find your true love
April 14th: Mercury square Jupiter, conjunct Uranus, square Pluto – spread the news, express your truth
April 14: Pluto stations retrograde – fulfill your destinyhigh_priestess

April 15th: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 25 Libra –a fundamental relationship with self; refine adjustments that must be made, learn to get along in the world; some people will be happy, others will not

April 16: Mercury opposes Mars – but you are stepping forward to claim your truth regardless of what other people think or do

April 17: Venus trine Jupiter – confirmation that the Universe is a naturally abundant place to be
April 20: Jupiter square Uranus – you must claim your stake in the game
April 20: Moon squares Uranus, conjunct Pluto, opposes Jupiter, square Mars – tipping point of change, go for the prize
April 21: Uranus square Pluto – doing the right thing changes your world
April 22: Mars square Jupiter – others believe your truth
April 23: Mars square Pluto – others believe your reality

April 28: New Moon Solar Eclipse at 8 Taurus – manifestation of your new world

With blessings, love, and positive expectation for your potential!

Contact : maya (at)

Join me in Kerala, India – November 2 – 9, 2014   More info HERE

Check out your March 2014 all original horoscope HERE


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Weekly Update – March 26

sieldThis week it’s time to wind up loose ends – we’re on the closing end of our monthly lunation cycle, with a New Moon on Sunday, March 30th. Until then, it’s your time to give some thought to what you want to create next month. April 2014 presents us with new, dynamic change and opportunity almost every day of the month.

The Cardinal Cross of April 2013

I’ll keep you all posted as we move into the energies of the upcoming Cardinal Cross – just know that it’s going to put you in the driver’s seat of personal power and creation like never before.

Universally, we’re preparing for the dynamic energies of next month – April 2014. Honestly, I’ve never seen such a dynamic time.  I’ll keep you posted on the action as it unfolds, but know that April even starts out with major aspects from the Sun to Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto on April 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. (and this is just the start!)

Additionally, April begins the 2014 eclipse season, with a full moon lunar eclipse (in Libra) on the 15th, and a new moon solar eclipse (in Taurus) on the 28th. With retrograde Mars and Saturn interacting with Uranus and Pluto – it feels like the proverbial parting of the Red Sea!

The challenge that I’m seeing through real life experiences of myself and my clients – is that we are being asked to confront our fears, and move through them. And, your freedom lies on the other side of that nagging, nameless dark cloud of fear.

In the meantime, this week you have much to look forward to. On Wednesday, the 26th, Mercury forms a graceful sextile to Jupiter – the sextile is an aspect of opportunity, and when Jupiter and Mercury play in the sky – I say – think big.

It’s a perfect day to address your hopes, wishes, and plans for your future. It’s a great day to find clarity, and move beyond your everyday limitations.

On Saturday, the 29th, we have more major planetary action with Venus as she trines Mars, and then squares Saturn. This is an example of Venus – the feminine goddess of love – setting the rules for Mars – the male warrior aspect.

Girls, get your groove on, if single, get out and mingle, if in a relationship – plan something nice for the evening – the stars are happy, and you should be too.

Venus in in Aquarius now, and Mars is in Libra – two air signs. So, the path to love can be light and filled with intellectual stimulation. It’s the perfect combination for exotic and unusual dinner dates, how about a quick trip out of town to a destination restaurant? Keep it elegant, beautiful, and lush – and you’ve got the recipe for Venus and Mars to dance the night away.

I’ll be back next week with my Weekly Update,  Star Cast, and in the meantime – now, as always – let your Light shine.

Contact : maya (at)

Join me in Kerala, India – November 2 – 9, 2014   More info HERE

Check out your March 2014 all original horoscope HERE


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy