Saturn Square Uranus on June 14th!

Saturn square uranus

June 14th is a special day this year – it’s the day Saturn and Uranus move into their exact square aspect – the second of three times it will happen this year.  

The remaining 2021 date for this is December 24.  

Here’s an easy way to understand Saturn square Uranus:

  • Saturn = Old Guard, the Establishment, What Has Been
  • Uranus = Reformation, New Power, Structures,
  • These two planets going square represents unforeseen changes.

Saturn square Uranus happens in 22/24-year cycles, and it’s always helpful to look back at what happened previously.  

Throughout history, this event has been associated with financial restructuring, including the financial crisis of 1930/31 and a monetary readjustment in 1884 – 1886. 

Value and Worth

It’s telling that in astrology, the 2nd house addresses both your earned income and your self-worth. The teaching is that the contribution you make in the world is a foundation of how you value yourself. 

Globally, careless resource management has time and time again led to disasters as the precious resources of Mother Earth are wasted.

Regardless of what happens in the world financial markets, the core of successful resource management is realizing the true VALUE of that thing.

saturn square UranusSo, Saturn square Uranus brings up some deep questions, such as:

  • Do you value time over money?
  • What do you want to do with your life? 
  • What do you want to do with your money? 

Saturn and Uranus both impact you globally and culturally as well as personally. Think about what you truly value and embrace the freedom that comes with commitment. 

With love and respect,

Maya White

Join me HERE at Astrologer Maya White on Facebook: 

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New Moon Solar Eclipse – Manifest Your Reality

New Moon Solar EclipseMuch was brought to the Light during the Sagittarius full moon. This month, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10th to make manifesting your new reality easier!

So now it’s time to look to an even brighter future.

As well as this New Moon Solar Eclipse, there are some intense planetary events this month, including Saturn square Saturn on June 14th.

This planetary square is the 2021 theme of tension between the old (Saturn) and the new (Uranus), the proven and the speculative, of loyalty and freedom. 

 However, June begins with a beneficial Moon and Jupiter conjunction on the 1st. Jupiter is now seen only in the morning sky, but seeing the Moon joined with Jupiter is worth getting up early for.

And, be excited about June 3rd! This is when Jupiter in Pisces will trine Venus in Cancer! These are the two benefices of astrology forming a beneficial water trine aspect.

Although it happens fast and will be short-lived (June 2, 3, and 4), this trine is good for finances and social enjoyment. Let the good times roll.

Home Sweet Home

Venus enters Cancer on Wednesday, June 2nd. When Venus is in Cancer, you become more magnetic and in tune with your feelings. This placement also can make you want a bit more comfort in your lifestyle, adding a desire for the ‘good life. In addition to increasing your magnetic vibe, Venus in Cancer also increases your sensitivity! So, don’t take everything personally!

June will be an essential month to stabilize your finances. Many people are in post-pandemic spending mode, paying for trips and eating out, but Venus will be urging you to hold onto your money – like the crab.

This Venus in Cancer also favors artistry and expression, making it a great month to invite friends over and enjoy some music and creativity. 

June is going to be a rich time to connect with people. After all, Mercury is retrograde until June 22nd anyway – so why not enjoy your downtime?!

This first week wraps up with Mars opposing Pluto on Saturday, June 5th. Karmically, this aspect is teaching you to ‘play nice. Of course, not everybody will get the ‘play nice’ memo, so it’s important to avoid power struggles.

If you see that conflict is unavoidable, maintain objectivity.

To wrap things up for this post, here’s what you need to keep in mind:

 * Start consciously creating your own reality. You have more power than you know!

 * Work on those money-making projects you’ve been scheming on, this is your sign!

* Now is a great time to invest in your relationships. Go ahead and make plans with the people in your life!

* You may be more sensitive and prone to experience power struggles at this time. Try and be more objective

Remember that collectively we are all evolving, learning, and becoming better than ever before.

Wishing you a rewarding and successful month ahead.

In Love and Service,

Maya White

Join me HERE at Astrologer Maya White on Facebook: 

Schedule your update reading HERE. 

Sagittarius Full Moon- Set Yourself Free

full moon in the sky

This week delivers two dynamic celestial events, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 26th and Mercury retrograde on Saturday, May 29th.

Hopefully you’ve been enjoying the relative peace and quiet that was promised for the earlier part of May. After all that dynamic action in April, culminating with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury all uniting with Uranus over nine days, early May brought a blessed relief.

But things are heating up again as we enter the eclipse season with a Sagittarius Full (Blood) Moon Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday. Any Lunar Eclipse impacts your emotions and even brings your unconscious feelings to the surface.

Being in the mutable axis of Sagittarius and Gemini, this one will open up memories. Depending on your natal chart an eclipse may initiate actual events that open up emotional wounds. The secret to success for everyone is releasing baggage.  Like the archer, let those arrows go.

Releasing the arrows is how to Set Yourself Free.

Although the actual eclipse lasts only a few hours, keep in mind that life events related to an eclipse can occur weeks before and even months after the event.

So, what’s the big deal around an Eclipse?

Taking careful aim will greatly increase your good luck

It’s no wonder that there is anticipation surrounding these celestial events. Because of the proximity of the nodes, eclipses have a fated and spiritual growth aspect.

The lunar nodes are calculated through a relationship between the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth.  I believe that they are one of the most insightful tools that astrology has to offer.

What can be more grounding for your soul’s journey on the earth than connecting to that place where the earthly sources of your sustenance.

Eclipses do what a magnifying glass does to Light – they focus the energy in one place so that it breaks apart and releases the rainbow held within.

Sagittarius is the sign affiliated with Jupiter, the planet of so called ‘Good Luck’. But there is more to luck than just the whims of favor. There is a spiritual foundation to the blessings of Jupiter.

Abundance and good fortune come through sharing and encouragement.  Simply practicing
good judgement is one good way that you can increase your ‘luck’.

So, be prepared; depending on your natal astrology, this week’s Lunar Eclipse may change your life!

If you want to really get a handle on where you live; have questions about whether or not to move; and want an excellent astrology reading – schedule a time from the Contact Maya button below.

In Love and Service,

Maya White

Join me HERE at Astrologer Maya White on Facebook: 

Schedule your update reading HERE. 




Star Cast for July 24 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

lunar eclipse

This week’s lunar eclipse will be the longest of the century.

There’s no doubt you’re already aware of this week’s upcoming full moon lunar eclipse. But there are also two other important planetary events this week. In addition to an amazing and rare eclipse, Mercury stations retrograde on Thursday, July 26th.

Mars, also retrograde, is now the closest to the earth since it has been since 2003. On Friday morning Mars moves into opposition to the Sun and into a tight alignment with the Earth. This will happen just hours before the lunar eclipse.

Because of the elliptical nature of planetary orbits, Mars is uniquely close and in exact alignment to both the Sun and the earth.  Mars will be conjunct the moon for this upcoming eclipse.

All in all, it’s quite unusual, and indeed, these are unusual times. The question becomes: how can you manage this planetary triple play in a way that feels good and benefits your life?

All around the world the lunar eclipse is making the news. It will be the longest lasting total lunar eclipse of the century. Plus, as the Sun, Moon, and the Earth unite in perfect alignment, the moon will become red. This is the light from the Sun passing through the earths’ atmosphere. While other colors of the spectrum are not visible, red, dust and particles from volcanic eruptions accentuates the base color in a prism.

Expect Changes and Events from the Lunar Eclipse

Astrology teaches us that the length in time of any lunar eclipse translates into an equal number of months for related events to take place on the earth. So, with this eclipse being almost four hours in length, the corresponding time for critical earth related events will be four months.

The sign of the moon addresses what kind of events we can expect. Manley P Hall, best known as the author of ‘The Secret Teachings of All Ages’ (written in 1928) states that an Aquarius lunar eclipse delivers infertility to the land and sickness to rulers. Being in the Uranus ruled sign of Aquarius, many predict the eclipse to bring definite changes.

Christopher Columbus leveraged his advance knowledge of a blood moon lunar eclipse in 1504.  He convinced the Jamaican natives that they must feed his crew or else face the wrath of his Christian god. That ploy worked, and he returned to Spain the next year.

Mars is also red when viewed from the earth. And, since ancient times, Mars is affiliated with blood. Surgeons, warriors, and sharp tools are traditionally associated with Mars. But, so is your actual Life Force, the blood that moves in your veins and moves you to get things done.  Your enthusiasm, your courage and desires are also expressed through Mars.

Paying Attention to Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Now, for part three of our Planetary Triple Play – Mercury retrograde in Leo from July 26 –August 19! As a carrier of thought and communication, Mercury delivers the “news.” Because he is notably without conscience Mercury can also deliver ‘fake news.” All good reasons to pay attention.

As he rewinds through the middle degrees of Leo, your mission is to tell yourself (and others) the truth. Mercury in Leo is boisterous, proud, and wants the world to know of his accomplishments.

Mercury in Leo inspires creativity, and this is your best bet in managing this summer’s Triple Play.

Be Brilliant.      Shine Your Light.      Connect With Your Source.      Express Your Wisdom.

Want to know your BEST PLACE on the earth for success? AstroCartoGraphy shows you the way!

Honoring your connection to the wisdom that shines from the stars –

Maya White



Eclipses and Donald Trump * Star Cast for September

nepal_buddhaA New Dawn
One of the important things to talk about for this week is that on Sunday, September 6th, Venus stationed direct. This means that those important Venus ruled proceedings, things like love and money, are now moving forward.

Did you feel the energy lift on Sunday?  Venus moving direct alleviates an underlying uncertainty that something’s wrong, but you don’t know what it is.

One by one, the planets are shifting into direct motion. By the end of July 2015 we had five planets retrograde – Venus, plus Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Almost any word that begins with the letters ‘re’ applies to retrograde planets.

And, with so many planets retrograde, world events are unveiling an exquisite rewind of history through the revelation of planetary degrees.

Cycles in Astrology – Cuba Revisited
One of the positive world events that occurred in late July was the United States re-establishing diplomatic ties with Cuba, ending a bitter hold out from the Cold War decision made on January 3rd, 1961. Back in 1961, Jupiter was at 14 degrees of Capricorn which is the exact degree that Pluto reached in July of 2015.

Jupiter and Pluto together makes for a powerful unification of government (Pluto) and positive growth (Jupiter); therefore, it’s not surprising that this transit would result in decisive steps towards re-establishment of a re-lationship between the US and Cuba.

World War II
Another example of astrology in action is found in the timeline of World War II. Presently, Jupiter and Neptune are standing in what is called an opposition – this means that they are on opposite ends of the zodiacal belt – Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces.

When Germany surrendered to the allies on May 7, 1945, Neptune was at 4 degrees of Libra. This is the exact degree of the sun for the upcoming Blood Moon lunar eclipse. On September 27th, 2015, the moon ripens at 4 degrees Libra, the same degree that was occupied in 1945 by Neptune, the planet of redemption.

Today, Germany shines a powerful light of compassion for the world to see as they welcome thousands of refugees fleeing their homeland in Syria and other war torn Middle Eastern nations.

Also, in May of 1945, Jupiter was at 17 degrees of Virgo. This week, the new moon solar eclipse of September 12, 2015 occurs at 20 degrees Virgo, technically conjunct the degree occupied by Jupiter back at the end of World War II.

Jupiter and Neptune working together are highly spiritual and they teach the essence of true religion such as love of spirit and the gift of service motivated by agape love. Now we see Jupiter and Neptune, presently in opposition, activated and powerfully completing a cycle that was set in motion many years ago.

This ability to look backwards (and forward) in time is one of the most valuable aspects of astrology because it helps you understand world events on a Universal level and then apply the wisdom to your everyday life.

What’s Going On – Here and Now
This week, on Tuesday, we can enjoy Mars trine Uranus – this is an aspect of discovery and personal development. Mars is the go for it planet, and Uranus invites you to try something new. Tuesday the 8th  is your day to break down barriers in a positive and powerful way.

Saturday, the12th delivers our first autumnal eclipse – a new moon solar eclipse. During a solar eclipse, the moon passes between the earth and the sun, triggering a re-set in the external, or daylight status of the world. If the eclipse degree is conjunct a significant point in your natal chart you will experience a change in your life; otherwise, you can watch the show on the world stage.

Solar eclipses precipitate external events and lunar eclipses trigger internal shifts. So, although the solar eclipse will not be as dramatic to view, astrologically it reveals a template for the following lunar eclipse.

The lunar eclipse that will happen on September 27th is also a super moon event, meaning that the moon is closer than usual to the earth and will appear up to 14 % larger than usual.  (Supermoon eclipses have occurred just five times since 1900 (in 1910, 1928, 1946, 1964 and 1982).

It’s also at an optimum time for viewing; close to 8 PM Pacific time, 11 PM Eastern. Spirit is speaking, and collectively, we listen.

Another Show to Watch – the Debates 
Mercury will be retrograde in Libra from September 17th to October 9th. I wonder if the Presidential candidates know about this – it could make for an interesting debate the 16th.

Donald Trump has his natal Chiron at 15 degrees of Libra, the exact degree that Mercury stations, so it’ll be interesting to see what he says that night. His astrology suggests that he’ll speak out of line and make statements that he’ll wish he could take back, but cannot. He also has Neptune at 5 degrees Libra, the previously mentioned degree for the sun during the upcoming Blood Moon supermoon eclipse. (Trump, by the way, also has Neptune in the 2nd house in his natal chart –  a classic marker of wealth). With his Neptune also integrated into the eclipse degree, time will tell whether or not the eclipses will separate Trump from his money.

For those not in the running to be President, this Mercury retrograde facilitates balance in all relationships. A good rule for this time period is to reflect on the fact that you have two ears for listening and only one mouth for speaking; use them accordingly.

Otherwise, power and insanity seem to be running hand in hand now, and every day I see things that I don’t understand, nor do I have an explanation through astrology that makes it understandable or ‘OK’.

What I do know though, is that the Light will win, and we are all moving towards a brighter future. Continue to claim your creativity and exercise your free will choice – these are two aspects of your divinity that cannot be taken away from you. And,  meditate – it does help.

You are amazing and wonderful. Be strong, hold fast, and strengthen your highest power of love for self and others as we move through these dark times and on to the Light of beauty. Together we make the world a better place.

Astrology gives insight on your health, wealth, and even timing. Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life. If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me here.

I’ll be back next week with Maya’s Star Cast, and in the meantime – this week, as always – let your Light shine.

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